Issue - decisions

The Borough of Watford (Callowland) (Controlled Parking Zone NA) Order 2020

20/10/2020 - The Borough of Watford (Callowland) (Controlled Parking Zone NA) Order 2020

The Head of Transport and Infrastructure agrees –


·       to implement the above order as proposed.


·       to commit to a review of the Permit Parking Zone operational hours within 6 months of implementation.


·       to carry out a pre & post implementation Parking Stress survey to analyse the impacts of the new Permit Parking Zone in Diamond Road, Jubilee Road as well as surrounding streets in Legatts Ward.


·       to publish the Notice of Making, seal the Order and procure the works should the above be agreed.


22/07/2020 - The Borough of Watford (Callowland) (Controlled Parking Zone NA) Order 2020

Recommendations agreed.