
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

29/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - 123 - 125 Estcourt Road ref: 3221    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - 2 vehicle lengths of the permit bay outside 123 to 125 Estcourt Road, from 8am, 6th December 2019 to 6pm, 11th December 2019 - to facilitate Excavation Works

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 02/12/2019

Effective from: 29/11/2019



Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Rebecca Rodgers

29/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - Queens Road (Broadway) ref: 3220    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - 1 pay.

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 29/11/2019

Effective from: 29/11/2019



Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Rebecca Rodgers

28/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 10 Dickinson Square Croxley Green WD3 3HA ref: 3219    Recommendations Approved

19/00798/DEXPS1 - single storey rear infill extension, new pitched roof to existing ground floor kitchen and sun room area.

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 28/11/2019

Effective from: 28/11/2019



Wards affected: Outside Borough;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

26/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 25 Swing Gate Lane Berkhamsted HP4 2LL ref: 3218    Recommendations Approved

19/00605/MULPS1 - Single storey rear extension, two storey side extension, loft conversion and internal alterations

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 26/11/2019

Effective from: 26/11/2019


Conditional Approval

Wards affected: Outside Borough;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

25/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 6 Field Road Watford WD19 4DR ref: 3217    Recommendations Approved

19/00675/MULFP - Part single, part double storey rear extension with internal alterations

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 25/11/2019



Wards affected: Oxhey;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

25/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 36 Talbot Avenue, Watford WD19 4AX ref: 3216    Recommendations Approved

19/00651/DEXFP - Single storey rear extension

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 25/11/2019



Wards affected: Oxhey;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

25/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - Chester Road ref: 3215    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - 5 vehicle lengths of the permit bay outside 169 to 173 Chester Road and 5 vehicle lengths of the permit parking place outside 174 to 182 Chester Road will be suspended from 9.30am to 4pm on 10th December 2019 in order to facilitate sewage works.

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 25/11/2019



Wards affected: Vicarage;

Lead officer: Ana Fonteriz

20/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - Queen Mary's Avenue ref: 3207    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - the permit bay outside 15 Queen Mary's Avenue will be suspended from 8am, 3rd December 2019 to 6pm, 4th December 2019 in order to facilitate the placement of a skip.

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019



Wards affected: Park;

Lead officer: Ana Fonteriz

20/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - Park Road ref: 3208    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - 4 vehicle lengths of the permit bay from outside 30 to 32 Park Road and 4 vehicle lengths of the permit bay outside 33 to 35 Park Road will be suspended from 8am, 8th January 2020 to 5pm, 12th January 2020 in order to facilitate the traffic flow whilst gas connection is being carried out.

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019



Wards affected: Nascot;

Lead officer: Ana Fonteriz

20/11/2019 - Parking Suspension - Southsea Avenue ref: 3206    Recommendations Approved

Parking Suspension - 3 vehicle lengths of the permit bay from outside 2 Southsea Avenue to 142b and 4 vehicle lengths of the parking place from opposite 142b to 4 Southsea Avenue, will be suspended from 9.30am to 3pm on 22nd November 2019 in order to facilitate excavation of sewer covers and to assist traffic flow during works.

Decision Maker: Representations Officer

Decision published: 25/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019



Wards affected: Vicarage;

Lead officer: Ana Fonteriz

11/11/2019 - Woodside Masterplan Update ref: 3211    Recommendations Approved

In 2016, a report was considered by Portfolio Holders with regards to the proposed development at Woodside Playing Fields. The project was originally defined as part of the Sports Facilities Strategy which highlighted the potential to improve this site with a number of enhanced Sports Facilities. A number of initial opportunities were identified for the redevelopment of this area.
A significant amount of work has been completed including the development of a masterplan supported by a detailed budget cost estimate. Following consultation additional options were evaluated and a phased approach agreed. The evaluation of options are being progressed, approval is now required to advance the project and proceed to appointment of the design team for Phase 1.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/11/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019


Cabinet received a report of the Head of Parks, Open Spaces and Projects, which sought approval for a phased approach in advancing the project and appointing a design team for Phase 1. 


Councillor Williams introduced the report.  He commented on the good work carried out by the cricket and boxing clubs.  Both clubs had been consulted on the plans and officers had tried to incorporate as many of their wishes as possible.


Following comments from the Mayor and Councillor Collett, the Group Head of Community and Environmental Services and Project Manager responded.  It was noted that the focus would now be on the delivery of Phase 1, which was estimated to be completed by early 2022.  It was confirmed that a stakeholder group would be created during the development phase.




1.      that the contents of the Cabinet report, specifically the phased approach to executing the programme be noted.


2.      that the masterplan be approved.


3.      that the next stages and moving to the appointment of a design team for Phase 1 be approved.

Wards affected: ;

Lead officer: Paul Rabbitts

11/11/2019 - Notification of Exemption to Contract Procedure Rules Re: Service Desk and Network Services contracts ref: 3212    Recommendations Approved

The report is for Cabinet to note the procurement extension related to the extension of the Service Desk and Network Services contracts

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/11/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2019

Effective from: 11/11/2019


Cabinet received a report of the Group Head of Transformation which set out an exemption to the Contract Procedure Rules that had been approved by the Managing Director.


Councillor Watkin introduced the report.  He confirmed that the contracts were below the Public Procurement Regulations threshold.  Following a question from the Head of Legal, the Group Head of Transformation confirmed that there were two separate contracts, one for the service desk and out of hours and the second for the network services.




that Cabinet notes the exemption has been given.

Wards affected: ;

Lead officer: Andrew Cox

11/11/2019 - Statement of Community Involvement ref: 3210    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/11/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019


Cabinet received a report of the Planning Policy Officer setting out the requirement for the local authority to prepare and maintain a Statement of Community Involvement.  It outlined the issues, benefits and implications of adopting the Statement of Community Involvement.


Councillor Sharpe introduced the report and highlighted key elements contained in it.  It showed the council’s commitment to consult local people, which had been highlighted in the previous report.


The Mayor commented that the council went above and beyond the legal requirements when consulting the local community.


It was noted that the list of consultees included on the consultation statement were those organisations who were part of the planning policy consultation group.  If members were aware of additional groups to add to the list they could forward details to the Planning Policy Officer.




1.      that the Statement of Community Involvement, to supersede the 2017 version of the document, be adopted.


2.      that the Group Head of Place Shaping, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Development, be delegated the authority to make any minor changes to the document which may be required in the future.

Wards affected: ;

Lead officer: Vicky Hughes

11/11/2019 - Cassiobury Footpath 30 ref: 3209    Recommendations Approved

To update Cabinet on the designation of footpath 30 as shared surface footpath and cycle path and associated works to facilitate.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/11/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019


Cabinet received a report of the Group Head of Corporate Strategy and Communications, which included details of the improvements for Cassiobury Footpath 30, the options for consideration and results of the stakeholder engagement.


Councillor Williams introduced the report.  It was noted that there was broad support for the scheme but concerns had also been raised by the Friends of Cassiobury Park, particularly in relation to the widening of the path.  It was proposed that a ‘cycling protocol’ or code of practice would be drawn up and a ‘share with care’ approach taken to Footpath 30.  Further discussions would take place with Friends of Cassiobury Park to discuss their concerns.  Councillor Williams proposed that recommendation 3.3 was amended to include reference to the discussions with Friends of Cassiobury Park. 


Following Councillor Sharpe’s comments, the Mayor invited Mr Peter Jenkins, a representative from Friends of Cassiobury Park, to speak to Cabinet.


Mr Jenkins stated that he appreciated the council was trying to regularise cycling in the park.  Cycling had been disallowed in the park except on a few of the paths.  Some people wanted this to continue.  Generally he was in favour of mixed use paths and he regularly walked or cycled through the park.  He congratulated the Group Head of Corporate Strategy and Communications on the engagement carried out on the proposals.


Mr Jenkins advised that there were some reservations about making the main path a cycling route and did not want it to become part of the national cycle network and turned into a ‘cycling highway’.  Most cyclists tended to keep to the edge of shared paths.  Feedback from users was that they did not want the path widened and that the current width was sufficient.  He welcomed the suggested code of practice.  He was still concerned about the pinch points along the route and would welcome some form of control.


The Mayor thanked Mr Jenkins.  He added that at the cycling forum meetings the cyclists had been concerned about creating a hierarchy of users.  All users should be considerate of others and they had accepted the shared space.


The Managing Director suggested that following the further discussions the final outcome should be delegated to the Mayor.  This was agreed.




1.      that the engagement feedback having been considered, the concerns raised as well as the broad support for the proposals, be noted.

2.      that Option 4: Resurface and widen Footpath 30 with an asphalt surfacing solution be approved subject to further consultation with regard to the widening of Footpath 30.


3.      that permissive rights be granted for cyclists to use Footpath 30.


4.      that the path be made a non-segregated, shared surface, with the promotion of considerate use by all users (supported by better signage and information within the park).


5.      that the procurement of contractors to undertake detailed design and build of the scheme be approved.


6.      that an important element of the improvements will include better signage on the path and an information campaign on the safe shared use of Footpath 30 and other shared paths within the park be noted.  The information campaign will be informed by best practice, including advice from Sustrans, the cycling and walking charity.


7.      that, once implemented, the project team will keep the path under review to monitor how effectively the improved shared surface is balancing the various user needs within Cassiobury Park.


8.      that the final decision on widening Footpath 30, following further engagement, be delegated to the Elected Mayor.

Wards affected: ;

Lead officer: Kathryn Robson

11/11/2019 - Print and Post Contracts Award ref: 3214    Recommendations Approved

Through the Watford 2020 Programme procurement processes have been initiated for the provision of print and post services. This report presents the recommendation of these procurement processes, the associated business case and proposed consequential delivery model changes.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/11/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019

Wards affected: ;

Lead officer: Andrew Cox

18/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - Watford Sheltered Workshop, Century Park, Dalton Way WD17 2SF ref: 3203    Recommendations Approved

19/00764/OTHCOM - Creation of a mezzanine floor addition

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 20/11/2019

Effective from: 18/11/2019


Conditional Approval

Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

20/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 72 Tudor Avenue Watford WD ref: 3204    Recommendations Approved

19/00644/DROFP - Loft conversion

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 20/11/2019

Effective from: 20/11/2019


Conditional Approval

Wards affected: Tudor;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

19/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 63 Harford Drive Watford WD17 3DQ ref: 3205    Recommendations Approved

19/00754/DROFP - Loft conversion

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 20/11/2019

Effective from: 19/11/2019


Conditional Approval

Wards affected: Park;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza

18/11/2019 - Building Control Decision - 259-265 St Albans Road Watford WD24 5BJ ref: 3202    Refused

19/00642/MULFP - Conversion of ground floor into three retail units and formation of seven flats

Decision Maker: Building Control Team Leader

Decision published: 20/11/2019

Effective from: 18/11/2019



Wards affected: ; Callowland;

Lead officer: Hazel D'Souza