Agenda item

Work Programme and Task Groups

This report provides an update on the current work programme for 2011/12.  It also includes new scrutiny suggestions for Task Groups. 


The Scrutiny Committee received a report of the Head of Legal and Property Services including the updated work programme. 


Task Groups


Review of Recycling Scheme


The Chair stated that the Scrutiny Committee had already agreed to establish one Task Group to look at the future provision of Council services.  The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services was keen for his suggested scrutiny proposal to be carried out. 


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer advised that, following the Scrutiny Committee’s request at the last meeting, she had received some statistics which had been set out in reports to the Herts Waste Partnership.  She had also checked Three Rivers District Council’s website for information about its recycling arrangements.


The Chair advised that the recycling rates for Three rivers had increased.  The review could consider how the decision had been made, the impact on residents and how the service was introduced.  He envisaged that the review would take two or three meetings.  Research would need to be carried out.  It was likely that the Task Group would want to invite the Head of Service from Three Rivers District Council and possibly other authorities.


Other suggestions


The Chair explained the other suggestions.  He advised that Councillor Lynch’s suggestion regarding cycling on the pavement covered cyclists’ behaviour and provision for cycling in Watford.  He suggested that this should not be carried out at the present time.  He added that he had asked the County Council for information about the review of the South West Herts Transportation Strategy.  He questioned where the Borough Council’s involvement was in the review.  If the subject were reviewed in the future it might cover the delineation of the cycle routes in the Town Centre.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Section 106 funding for cycling used to be held by the Borough Council but this had now been transferred to the County Council.  He suggested that if the review were carried out in the future Members might wish to speak to the Transports and Projects Officer who had been involved in many of the cycling schemes in the town.


The Chair advised that, with regard to the suggested review into addressing the housing needs of disadvantaged groups, he had spoken to the Head of Community Services.  She had requested that the department was not asked to be involved in any reviews whilst the service was in the middle of re-organisation.  She asked for it to be delayed until the next Municipal Year.



The Chair then informed the Scrutiny Committee that Councillor Lynch’s scrutiny suggestion about the YMCA had arisen following a piece of casework.  He questioned whether the Council should delve into the internal systems of the YMCA.  He felt this could be a larger scrutiny and could consider how drugs issues were being addressed.


The Vice-Chair suggested that this review could be delegated to the Community Safety Partnership Task Group.  This issue had previously been reviewed by Call-in and Performance Scrutiny Committee.  He suggested that the review could consider how the various agencies were coping and look at the provision for drug treatment.


It was agreed that the subject would be forwarded to the Community Safety Partnership Task Group.


The Portfolio Holder commented that there was concern about the prevalence of drugs in the transient population.  He said that it might be useful to find out how the trend had changed over the last two or three years.  He fully supported this suggested topic.


A Member added that many of the services were linked to the County Council.


Previous reviews


The Scrutiny Committee was asked to prioritise the list of previous reports which the Chair had asked to re-visit and consider any outstanding recommendations.


Members agreed that the reviews be carried out in the order listed in paragraph 3.16 of the report.




1.         that the latest version of the work programme be noted.


2.         that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee establishes the following Task Groups –


·               Review of Recycling Scheme

·               Future Council Review


3.         that a review of the Benefits service be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in February.


4.         that the appointment of the final membership of the Recycling Scheme Task Group be delegated to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in consultation with the Head of Legal and Property Services.


5.         that the review of the previous reports be carried out in the following order –


·               The Colosseum

·               Green Spaces

·               Choice Based Lettings

·               Elections in 2010

·               Neighbourhood Forums


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