Agenda item

Commissioning Framework 2013-2016 Review

Report of the Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head


Overview of the 3 year impacts and outcomes of the community and voluntary sector framework


The scrutiny committee received a report of the Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head, which provided an overview of the Community and Voluntary Sector Commissioning Frameworkfor the last three years and its performance. 


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head said that this was the second report of several that he had agreed to present to the scrutiny committee.  He advised that from the January meeting organisations would be invited to the scrutiny committee to explain how they delivered key frontline services to the public.  The council worked with the organisations on the delivery of the various essential services.


Councillor Williams welcomed the inclusion of the community centres as this was an area he had hoped to include on the agenda for Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel; however he had been advised that as they were part of the Commissioning Framework the information would be presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  He asked that future reports include the financial information about the community centres and the number of visitors on the same page.  This would provide members with sufficient information to make valid comparisons.


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head responded that next year’s annual review would include information about the uses at the community centres, enabling value for money comparisons.  Additional information would also be included about the make up of the workforce, e.g. ethnicity and disability.


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head informed the scrutiny committee that from 1 April 2017, the council would not be funding the Leavesden Green Community Centre.  Watford Community Housing Trust had agreed to a final year of funding in 2016/17.  The community centre would then become financially independent from the council.  The service level agreement would end and a community use agreement introduced.  The council would not be as involved in the management of the centre as in the past.


Following a question from Councillor Rindl, the Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head confirmed the report included only those organisations monitored within his section.  Veolia was monitored by a different section and was scrutinised by the Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel.    It was noted that the scrutiny panel’s next meeting included an item on waste and recycling. 


Councillor Rindl noted the council’s current financial commitment to the organisations within the framework.  She asked whether there were any plans to cut this budget or if it was ring-fenced.  She felt this was an important area and would be concerned if there were to be any cuts to the framework’s budget.  In addition she asked for an explanation in the reduction of the budget for West Watford Community Association over the three years shown in the report.


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head advised that the commissioning framework budget was not ring-fenced.  There had been no change to the budget for 2016/17; however the budget for 2017/18 was currently being assessed.  He was aware there could be some saving on the overall budget as it would be possible to offer the funding for Leavesden Green Community Centre as a saving.  With regard to West Watford Community Association, the Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head explained that the information had been taken from the financial system.  He would check the information and circulate an update to the scrutiny committee.


Councillor Rindl noted that the information about the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) stated that there had been over 6,000 unanswered calls.  If this was information about the council it would be unacceptable.  She asked if officers sought an explanation from the organisation. 


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head responded that the CAB was not open on Fridays.  The majority of users usually visited the advice centre in person.  It was proposed to invite the CAB’s Chief Executive to the March meeting.  Councillors would have an opportunity to question the Chief Executive on this matter. 


The Chair noted it was also possible to get assistance from the CAB online.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head suggested that the organisation used a ‘hunt’ system for its telephone service.  It was possible that calls were coming from other areas.  It should be possible to find out which region the Watford CAB worked through.


Councillor Shah added that previously she had worked at the CAB and thought the telephone lines were closed early on Tuesdays.


The Corporate Leisure and Community Client Section Head suggested that the organisations’ operating hours could be added to future reports to enable councillors to understand the range of services each organisation and community centre provided.


It was agreed that the hours of operation would be circulated to the scrutiny committee as soon as the information was available.  This would provide background information before the groups visited the scrutiny committee.




that the report be noted.

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