Agenda item

Watford Health Campus - Appropriation of Oxhey Park Open Space

 Report of the Programme Manager


A report of the Programme Manager was received by Cabinet.   The land known as Oxhey Park lying to the north of the River Colne had been designated as Open Space since its acquisition by the Council in 1920 for the purposes of public walks and pleasure grounds.  In order to facilitate the construction of the new Link Road for the Hospital following the granting of planning permission in December 2013, the land (edged in red on the plan) needed to be appropriated by the Council for Planning purposes. 


Although the Council was the landowner, due to the land’s designation as Open Space, the land required needed to be appropriated for planning purposes prior to any construction taking place.  The land was previously included within the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) boundary, however, on the advice of the Council’s QC, this had been removed and instead the land would be appropriated under the Local Government Act 1972.  The end result and programme would be the same as before only the procedure adopted to appropriate the land was different.


The Head of Regeneration and Development explained that the land under consideration would be used for construction purposes in the building of the new road and the plan was for it to be returned to the park as soon as possible after the road had been completed.


Councillor Sharpe said that the plan had his full support and advised that the construction through the park must be achieved with sensitivity for residents and interested parties. The construction work would be achieved with minimum disruption but was an integral part of the Health Campus scheme.  


Replying to a query from Councillor Bell, the Head of Regeneration and Development drew attention to the plan of the part of the area used for construction work.  She explained that this area would be used solely during construction; the road itself would appropriate as little of the park as possible.  


The Chair noted that when permission for the road had been granted no formal objections had been received; it was agreed that a ‘blue light’ road was a necessity to provide access to the newly created town quarter.  Concern had been expressed that the successful completion of the campus could not be achieved without adequate infrastructure; this project would significantly contribute to this aim. 


The Chair then formally thanked the Friends of Oxhey Park for their patience and sensitivity and noted that the Irish Club building had no longer been fit for the required purposes.  She concluded by drawing attention to the fact that the area under consideration would be used as a temporary compound for the construction work and would be contained on the side of the river away from the main body of the park. 


Work would start in April 2015.




That Cabinet agrees:


That the land identified edged in red on the Plan being land currently designated as Open Space that is required to facilitate the construction of the Link Road for Watford Hospital is appropriated for Planning Purposes under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.

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