Agenda item

Watford's Monitoring Report 2014

A report of Head of Regeneration and Development


A report of the Head of Regeneration and Development was received.  Authorities’ Monitoring Reports (AMR) must be prepared and published once a year in accordance with planning regulations which came into force in 2005.  The AMR outlined the progress made on the local plan timetable and assessed the effectiveness of planning policies against various targets and indicators to see whether the Council was achieving local plan objectives.  Watford’s Monitoring Report 2014 covered the period 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014.


Councillor Sharpe advised that, whilst there was no requirement for the report to be considered at Cabinet, the presentation provided the opportunity to review the planning situation in Watford and to determine whether the policies were good in general or whether they required any changes with regard to land, employment or other items addressed within the report.


Councillor Sharpe said that the report indicated that the Council’s planning policies were fit for purpose.  He noted that the town was currently in a transitional period with regard to employment issues and as a consequence more homes would be required for the additional jobs planned.   Councillor Sharpe pointed out that the Council had been proactive in planning terms and he noted the developments in both Ascot Road and Watford Junction and the economic development that these projects would provide. 


Councillor Johnson advised that adequate provision of affordable housing was important; there had been an insufficient supply of such homes built over the previous year; requirements indicated that more affordable housing was needed.  He considered that it was imperative that the Health Campus and the Watford Junction schemes deliver more affordable housing.  Councillor Johnson assured the meeting that this would be achieved and that, in accordance with the Nomination Policy, the homes would then be offered to local people.    


Councillor Watkin drew attention to the impressive results at Watford schools in the GCSE examinations; the results placed the town’s schools at first or second place in the entire county. Parents, he said, felt that Watford was a good place for the education of their children.


The Chair concurred with Councillor Watkin’s assessment and advised that the town was second highest in the County for achievements in higher education. 


The Chair then addressed employment issues and drew attention to the chart on page 194 of the agenda, ‘% of Employee Jobs by Industry Groups’ advised that a good ‘mix’ of jobs contributed to resilience for the borough.  She noted that high median earnings by residence were the second highest in the county but emphasised that due regard must be accorded to the areas of deprivation in Watford.  The Chair advised that there were ten areas of multiple deprivation in the town but that none of these were in the lowest 20% in the county; she added that benefit claims were decreasing.     


Councillor Crout noted page 146 of the agenda and points regarding the Green Infrastructure.  He commended the co-operation between the Council and residents throughout the borough.  He confirmed that work in Cassiobury Park, funded though the Heritage Lottery Fund, would be completed by the end of Summer 2016. 


Councillor Bell agreed that good results had been achieved in the GCSE examinations but highlighted problems associated with provision for Early Years Education.  He advised that the borough needed to work closely with County in this respect and to use available land to provide new schools. 


Councillor Bell noted loss of employment floor space and referred to the deficit caused by the Royal Mail’s removal from the Ascot Road site to other premises. 


The Chair said that office floor space was no longer as great a requirement in the current economic climate as it had been in past years.  She advised that ‘hot desking’ and home working had relieved the pressure on office space; a greater number of people could now be accommodated in far smaller spaces.  The current need was to future-proof employment for the town.


The Managing Director advised that a high growth rate in employment was predicted: a further 7,000 additional jobs by 2031 and agreed that there was a need to maximise employment space.  He explained that the planning team were working on this issue by increasing density whilst protecting the commercial spaces.  He noted that this presented a challenge but assured the meeting that the Core Strategy would achieve a satisfactory solution.   


The Chair advised that it was important to understand that the Council could not ‘do it all’ but needed to work with local enterprise partnerships.  She added that, with regard to homes, the greatest current demand in Watford was for homes for single people: there was greatest need for one- and two-bedroom homes. 


Councillor Sharpe said that through liaising with the education department at county the Council had facilitated a significant number of extra school places in Watford through both the building of new schools and extensions to existing school buildings. 


The Chair asked the Head of Regeneration and Development if an analysis of current trends could be incorporated into the next report.




That Cabinet notes the information provided by the AMR


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