Agenda item

Outstanding Actions and Questions

The Scrutiny Committee is asked to review the actions and questions from previous meetings.



The Scrutiny Committee received updates on questions and actions raised at previous meetings.


PI39 – CCS12 and CCS13 Complaints resolved


The Scrutiny Committee discussed the delay in the requested information being provided.  It was noted that the delays were due to problems with accessing the software which held the information.  The Partnerships and Performance Section Head suggested that it would be more relevant to provide Members with the information on the most recent quarter recorded.


PI42 – Number of people sleeping rough


The Scrutiny Committee noted the answer provided by the Housing Section Head.  Councillor Martins commented that the future provision of funding or the lack of it would have implications for the Council on the delivery of its plans.  He requested that Members should be provided with the following information –


·               What are the Council’s plans?

·               What is street outreach?

·               What provisions are provided for homeless people?


PI43 – CCS7 HomeLet – survey response


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer stated that since the publication of the report, the Housing Supply Manager had provided information about the survey.  Officers had advised that they had been disappointed with the number of responses to the survey.  Three letting agents had responded with only two completing most of the questions.  15 landlords had responded, but only three had completed most of the questions.  14 tenants had completed the survey.  Due to the low response rate, officers were unable to draw any conclusions.  Although overall, the responses had been positive about the service received from HomeLet.


Councillor Dhindsa noted the low response rate and asked whether any lessons could be learnt from the exercise.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head said that officers had envisaged that it might be difficult to obtain views as it was often difficult engaging with tenants.  Officers were considering using more focus groups to discuss the scheme and discover people’s views.  The survey had been straightforward and the online link to the survey on Survey Monkey had been sent directly to individual’s email addresses.  Incentives had been given to encourage people to complete the survey. 


The Chair informed the Scrutiny Committee that she had spoken to the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Johnson, about HomeLet.  He had said that he would be happy to attend the Scrutiny Committee to discuss the scheme.  The Chair felt that one issue was how to attract private landlords to get involved in the scheme.  She suggested that Members may wish to put forward any ideas they might have in order to attract landlords.  She was aware that some authorities provided cash incentives to landlords, but this was not financially feasible for Watford. 


PI44 – DG1 Voter Registration


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer informed the Scrutiny Committee about the recent election canvass that had taken place during July and August.  She explained that the majority of voters had received a confirmation letter; other voters had been asked to provide further information to ensure they completed the Individual Electoral Registration process, which they had been able to do online or on a form included with their letter.  All letters had contained contact details for the Electoral Services Team.  She added that she was aware the office had received a number of calls from individuals seeking further information.


Councillor Taylor advised that he had moved during the summer and had used the new registration system.  It had appeared to him that it was assumed people would register online.


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer said that if residents had any difficulties registering online they should contact the Electoral Services Team who would provide help.


The Chair suggested that Councillors should receive an update on the registration process.  She asked that the update should include information about whether there were many calls from elderly residents.  Also the update should include information about difficulties accessing the online registration process and if officers were aware of any language difficulties experienced. The Scrutiny Committee also requested that regular updates about Individual Electoral Registration should be included in the Members’ Bulletin.


PI45 – HR1 Sickness absence – Shadowing CSC officers


The Chair informed the Scrutiny Committee that she had arranged to visit the Customer Service Centre (CSC) in October and urged Members to take up the opportunity to see the service in action.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that a review of CSC arrangements was planned.  The Head of Community and Customer Services was the Project Sponsor and the Customer Services Section Head was likely to be the Project Manager.  Members were encouraged to provide any views about the CSC to the Customer Services Section Head.  The Committee and Scrutiny Officer stated that she would find out how long the review was due to take place.




1.      that the Partnerships and Performance Section Head and Committee and Scrutiny Officer ensure that the information requested by the Scrutiny Committee be provided.


2.      that the Portfolio Holder for Housing and relevant officers be invited to a future meeting in order to discuss HomeLet with the Scrutiny Committee.


3.      that the updates be noted.


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