Agenda item

Update on actions

The latest update on actions is attached.  The Panel is asked to make any comments and note which actions can be signed off as completed.


The Panel received a report of the Committee and Scrutiny Support Officer updating Members on outstanding actions from previous meetings.


With regard to item PR9 in the report - the Partnership and Performance Section Head introduced a short paper providing details of customer satisfaction levels at the Palace Theatre.  Councillor Dhindsa commented that both cafes in the premises were small resulting in large queues during intervals.  He asked that information be included in the Performance Report about the use made of the theatre by ethnic minority groups and also in relation to the age of patrons.


ACTION - Partnership and Performance Section Head


Councillor Joynes commented that it appeared the age of people attending the theatre had increased due to fewer younger people’s events being held.


ACTION - Partnership and Performance Section Head to ask the theatre about the youth programme and provide information to the Panel


The Chair then reminded the Panel of the proposed visit by Members to the Woodside Leisure Centre on Tuesday 9th December 2014, at 6.30p.m. and encouraged attendance.


With regard to item PR16 in the report - the Partnership and Performance Section Head introduced a further short paper outlining the most common reasons exercise classes were cancelled at leisure centres.  Councillor Joynes commented that really popular classes should be put on more frequently .


With regard to item PR17 in the report - the Partnership and Performance Section head clarified for Councillor Dhindsa that the table included the percentages of the various groups in relation to the population of Watford as a whole.  Councillor Dhindsa commented that usage of the leisure centres by those aged over 55 and people with a disability appeared to be low.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head said that there may be many reasons for this; such as non-declaration by users as to their age or disability.  Also, the over 55’s may go elsewhere because of the variety of choice available to them and preferences for exercise options.  The Chair asked that the issue of apparent low usage by the disabled and those aged over 55 be raised with SLM at the Panel meeting in January.


ACTION - Committee and Scrutiny Support Officer


Councillor Dhindsa raised concerns about the manner in which some Central Leisure Centre staff may be addressing certain sections of the community attending swimming.  The Chair asked that the matter be raised with SLM at the Panel meeting in January.


ACTION - Committee and Scrutiny Support Officer


With regard to item PR19 in the report - the Chair asked if there was now any data to hand.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head that she should shortly be in a position to circulate the information to the Panel.


ACTION - Partnership and Performance Section Head


The Chair inquired whether there was any information as to climbing wall usage at the leisure centres.  It was decided this matter should be raised at the meeting with SLM in January.


ACTION - Committee and Scrutiny Support Officer


Councillor Dhindsa commented that favourable remarks had been made by a member of the public at a recent meeting about the swimming sessions at the leisure centres.


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