Agenda item

Driver and Vehicle Implementation Plan

Report of Head of Community and Customer Services


The Committee received a report of the Head of Community and Customer Services updating them on changes to policies, practices and procedures affecting licence-holders.  The proposed changes included: the enforcement policy, town centre taxi ranks, trial of magnetic door signs and the hackney carriage vehicle age limit.


The Licensing Manager introduced the report and outlined the consultation which had taken place with drivers since the previous meeting of the Committee.  The outcome of the consultation was that there had been a mandate from the drivers to implement the proposals set out at paragraph 3.4 of the report.  He drew the Committee's attention to the addendum which had been circulated; the trial of magnetic door signs required a change to the licence conditions.


The Chair informed the Committee that Mr Bobby Amin wished to exercise his right under the constitution to speak to the Committee.


Mr Amin explained that he had been a taxi driver for 30 years and he expressed his thanks to the officers for the work they had been carrying out.  He felt that many improvements were being made for the trade.  He advised that he supported the replacement of the penalty points system. He hoped that the engagement with all drivers would continue. 


Following a question from Councillor Scudder, the Licensing Manager responded that there was no time limit in allowing damaged vehicles to continue to be used.  However, it was in their interest for repairs to be carried out as soon as possible.  The time periods associated with insurance claims prohibited the imposition of a limit.  Drivers were required to report any accidents to the Council within 72 hours.


Following a number of questions about the option to use magnetic door signs, the Licensing Manager explained that the proposal was in response to concerns about potential damage to vehicles when the existing stickers were removed.  In addition, stickers could be frayed in car washes and were vulnerable to vandalism.  Drivers were not obliged to use the magnetic door signs; but this would be an option available.  Door signs were used to ensure that licensed vehicles could be identified from all sides to ensure public safety. The Chair explained the reasoning behind the introduction of door signs after the requirement for liveried vehicles was removed.


Councillor Williams expressed concern about the potential for theft of the magnetic signs and the Chair advised that she had shared that concern and it would be on a trial basis.  The Licensing Manager reiterated that the magnetic signs would be optional.  It was confirmed that there were no budget implications to the introduction of magnetic door signs.


Councillor Khan asked for further details about the working group to review licence conditions, the Licensing Manager explained that it would be composed of volunteers.  No decision had yet been made on the fare tariff. 


Councillor Khan noted that the Watford Hackney Carriage Drivers Association (WHCDA) represented over 200 drivers and emphasised the importance of the consultation with all drivers including the WHCDA.  The Licensing Manager responded that the consultation had included all drivers as well as the WHCDA.


In response to a question from Councillor Khan about how the working group would operate and the democratic involvement, the Licensing Manager explained that what was envisaged was dependent on the views of the drivers.  If significant changes were proposed, all drivers would be consulted as well as the Licensing Committee.  There could also be a need to consult with the general public.  There would be minutes of the meetings to record attendees, decisions and action points.  The Chair added that she was kept informed throughout the process but felt it was better that the consultation was run by independent officers.


It was agreed that the notes of these meetings would be shared with the Licensing Committee.


ACTION - Licensing Manager


Councillor Khan referred to the details of the implementation plan in appendix 1.  The Licensing Manager explained that a number of the actions would be implemented following decisions at that meeting.


The Committee asked for an updated version of the implementation plan after the meeting.


ACTION - Licensing Manager


It was agreed that the Committee would continue to receive copies of the drivers’ newsletter.


ACTION - Licensing Manager


The Environmental Health and Licensing Section Head suggested that officers let the Committee know when consultation drop-in sessions were being held with drivers.  She felt it would be valuable if Members were able to attend.


ACTION - Licensing Manager


Councillor Crout, the portfolio holder, expressed his thanks to officers, drivers and members for their hard work. 




that the Committee notes the report.

that the Committee approves the addendum to the Driver and Vehicle Implementation Plan.



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