Agenda item

Update on the Council's Key Performance Indicators and Measures - End of Year (Quarter 4) 2013/14

Report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head


The Scrutiny Committee is asked to review the performance information for 2013/14 and to note the changes for 2014/15.



The Scrutiny Committee received a report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head which provided an update on the Council’s performance indicators at the end of year, Quarter 4 2013/14.


It was confirmed that the indicators relating to Revenues and Benefits would be reported to Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel in future.  This was as a result of the change from operating Shared Services with Three Rivers District Council to a Lead Authority model.


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that Overview and Scrutiny Committee would receive updates from the Chair of the Scrutiny Panel, either in person at the meeting or as a written report.  All Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committee would also receive copies of the minutes.  In addition all Councillors were informed when the Scrutiny Panel’s agenda and minutes were published on the Council’s website.


CCS2 – Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of fly tipping)


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that the information had not been available for the report but she would circulate the information as soon as it became available.


The Scrutiny Committee agreed that this was an area they would like to investigate further and that it would need to be added to the work programme.  Members requested that the report incorporated the following -


·               Bulky items/waste – How many items are collected? How regularly is it used?

·               Has there been an increase in fly tipping since charging for bulky items?

·               When reports are received about bulky items what happens?

·               Is there any follow up action when fly tipped material is cleared?


CCS5 Number of people sleeping rough on single night


Councillor Joynes noted that the Council received a grant to fund street outreach work.  She asked how much longer the Council would receive this grant.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that further information could be supplied.  In response to a question from the Chair, she explained that the national requirement was that local authorities calculated the number of people sleeping rough on one specific night.  She advised that numbers were monitored and work continued throughout the year.


The Chair suggested that this could be an area that the Scrutiny Committee could look at in more depth.


CCS7 – HomeLet


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head informed the Scrutiny Committee that a survey was currently being undertaken.  Landlords, tenants and letting agencies would be approached to share their views.


The Chair asked that the Scrutiny Committee was provided with the results of the survey.


DG1 – Voter Registration


It was noted that Individual Electoral Registration had been introduced and that residents were required to register online.  Members were concerned about those people who did not have access to the internet and how they would be able to register to vote.  They were also concerned about the harder to reach members of the community. 


The Scrutiny Committee requested that an all-Member briefing was arranged to cover the new arrangements and how people could register to vote with particular emphasis on those people it was more difficult to reach.


HR1 – Sickness absence


The Scrutiny Committee acknowledged the reduction in sickness absence and particularly the data for March of 0.3 days.


Councillor Joynes asked for further information about the measures put in place by the Council to mitigate against the stress experienced by front line services, including the Customer Service Centre.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that there was ongoing monitoring of the service and additional training was put in place as required.  Customer Services Officers regularly received training on how to handle difficult situations. 


The Chair suggested that it might be useful for Councillors to be told about the ‘day in the life of a Customer Services Officer’.  It was suggested that it might be possible for Councillors to shadow officers in that area.  The Partnerships and Performance Section Head and Committee and Scrutiny Officer would contact the Customer Services Section Head to find out if this would be possible.




1.      that the report be noted.


2.      that the information about fly tipping (CCS2) be circulated to the Scrutiny Committee as soon as it becomes available.


3.      that an item be included on the work programme related to fly tipping and performance indicator CCS2.


4.      that further information about the grant from the Department for Communities and Local Government for street outreach work, related to people sleeping rough, be circulated as soon as possible.


5.      that an item be included on the Scrutiny Committee’s work programme to enable a more in depth review of CCS5.


6.      that the results of the HomeLet survey be circulated to Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


7.      that an all-Member briefing be arranged to explain the registration procedure for Individual Electoral Registration.


8.      that the Scrutiny Committee be given a presentation on the ‘Day in the Life of a Customer Services Officer’.


9.      that officers investigate whether it would be possible for Councillors to ‘shadow’ officers in the Customer Services Centre. 


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