Agenda item

Performance Report

Report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head


This report provides the Panel with the relevant performance indicators for Quarter 4 (2013/14).


The Panel received a report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head providing the quarterly performance indicators for quarter 4 2013 – 14. 


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head introduced the report and advised that following the introduction of the shared services indicators, the report would become quite extensive.


Following a question from Councillor Collett, the Partnerships and Performance Section Head clarified that the groups referred to in paragraph 3.3.4 of the report were priority sports development groups within the community.


The Chair referred to the performance of Veolia in relation to the litter and street debris and asked for an update.  The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that full information would be available at the end of quarter 1.  She noted that changes in the service last year were likely to have  impacted on performance in the short-term.  Improvements were expected and there did not seem to have been a significant  increase in complaints about litter.  The indicator was measured through surveys of areas and training was required for those conducting the surveys.  The Client Team carried out spot checks to ensure rigour and consistency. The indicator also tended to vary depending on the parts of the town inspected during each quarter and the time of year.


Councillor Dhindsa reported that he had had some complaints about litter in West Watford, particularly related to takeaways.  It was difficult to compare current levels with those assessed before the contract began.


Councillor Collett outlined the problems with litter experienced in Woodside, particularly in alleyways.  She understood that there was only one member of staff covering this area.  She had noticed a deterioration in standards and referred to problems on Boundary Way.


Councillor Hastrick advised that there had been similar problems in Meriden, particularly in Garston Park.  Bags of rubbish were left overnight and foxes then caused a nuisance.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head confirmed that she would obtain further information about the street cleaning regime including the policy on how long bags could be left before collection.


ACTION – Partnerships and Performance Section Head


The Panel confirmed they were happy with the format of the report.


Councillor Dhindsa noted that there was demand for additional women-only swimming sessions at Central leisure centre. The Partnerships and Performance Section Head responded that she would report this to the Client Manager. 


ACTION – Partnerships and Performance Section Head


The Chair and asked for further information about the disparity between levels of participation among 14-25-year-olds at the different leisure centres.  The Partnerships and Performance Section Head explained that this could be because the use by schools affected levels of activity at Woodside.


Councillor Dhindsa referred to the Palace Theatre and it was noted that this was not an outsourced service per se, but received funding from the Council.  He commended the recent programmes aimed at the BME communities.


Following a question from Councillor Counter, the Partnerships and Performance Section Head explained how the surveys of street cleanliness were carried out.  Councillor Dhindsa noted that it was important to check the streets at different points during the day and during the week as this would have an impact on cleanliness. The Partnerships and Performance Section Head responded that she would refer this to the Client Team.


ACTION – Partnerships and Performance Section Head / Client Manager


There was a discussion about whether bins were returned by the waste and recycling teams after being emptied.


With regard to performance by Vinci, Councillor Dhindsa reported that there were often several Civil Enforcement Officers in Vicarage during the early evening.  He felt it may be excessive and was concerned about the cost.




1. that the Panel notes the performance of the identified outsourced

service indicators at the end of quarter 4


2. that the Panel notes the additional areas to be included in reports from 2014/15.


3. that the Panel’s requests for additional information be noted.


Supporting documents: