Agenda item

Update on Waste and Recycling Service

The Contract Manager (Waste and Recycling) will be in attendance to provide the Panel with a verbal update on the service following his presentation at the last meeting.


The Panel received a presentation of the Client Manager (Waste and Recycling) which provided an update on the service since his presentation at the last meeting,


His update included the following –

  • The progress on the changes to the service including staffing and equipment.
  • The levels of recycling which had increased from 80-96 tonnes per week before the co-mingled service to 135-186 tonnes per week.
  • The quality of the material for recycling has been consistently high and this has been communicated from a range of re-processors.
  • The forthcoming communications strategies and educational campaigns.
  • The streetcare services including the gum-removal project in the High Street.
  • The grounds maintenance service including the maintenance of three green flags and the application for a fourth green flag.
  • Details of the contract monitoring and regular meetings with Veolia.


Following a question from Councillor Joynes, the Client Manager explained that deep cleans were scheduled following feedback from residents and councillors. It was sometimes possible to aggregate work with the County Council when short road closures were scheduled for minor repairs.


There was a discussion of the problem of chewing gum on pavements. The Client Manager explained that this required specialist equipment. There was currently a focus on the High Street. The Head of Corporate Strategy and Client Services added that the status of gum-removal work in the contract needed to be verified. She asked that areas of particular concern be reported to the client team, rather than Veolia, in the first instance.


ACTION – The Head of Corporate Strategy and Client Services to provide the Panel with further details of how gum-cleaning operates.


Councillor Hastrick asked how parks were selected for an application for a Green Flag. She referred to Garston Park in particular. The Head of Corporate Strategy and Client Services responded that applications for Green Flags were resource-intensive. The contract stipulated the maintenance of the three existing Green Flags but a further application for Oxhey Park had been submitted. As parks were upgraded, their suitability for a Green Flag was assessed. The Client Manager (Parks and Streets) would be able to provide more information.


In response to a question from the Chair, the Client Manager explained that the outreach team had worked with Watford New Hope Trust as part of the roll out of the new service.


The Chair asked for more information about the accuracy of the contamination levels data. The Client Manager explained how the sampling was carried out.


Councillor Greenslade also referred to the problem of chewing gum on pavements. She added that residents had been pleased that there were road sweeps in the neighbourhood.


The Chair noted that when complaints and compliments were reported, it would be useful to see the themes of what was being reported.


Following a question from Councillor Greenslade, the Client Manager advised that there had been an improvement in the quality of the recycling loads from flats. There had been a lot of engagement with residents and management companies. There could still be an improvement in the tonnages collected.


The Chair advised that it would be useful for the Panel to receive data about levels of fly-tipping in the performance report.


ACTION – Partnerships and Performance Section Head




That the update be noted.