Agenda item

Internal Audit Recommendations

Report of the Head of Finance Shared Services and Shared Internal Audit Service


This report gives details of the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the internal auditor.



The Committee received a report of the Head of Finance Shared Services and Shared Internal Audit Services.  The report gave details of the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the internal auditor. 


Chris Wood explained significant points in the report:


2.1:      The Benefits Administration report had been finalised and consequently represented closure of the 2012/2013 Audit Plan

2.2:      As at 23 September 2013, 58% of the 2013/2014 Audit Plan had been completed

2.5:      Good progress was being made

2.8:      The report stated that no amendments had been made to the Audit Plan since the June Audit Committee.  Since completion of the report, further work had been completed; information would be presented at the following meeting of the Committee.   


Councillor Brandon referred to the ‘deadlines’ and noted that the deadline for IT had been moved a number of times.  He asked why there still appeared to be slippage in this area. 


The ICT Client Manager replied that it was not possible for her to comment on past time frames.  She advised that directives from central Government required that many priorities be completed by the end of 2013.  She added that the ICT Strategy was not yet finalised but was on track for completion by May 2014.  The ICT Client Manager assured the meeting that plans were in place for ‘sign off’ at the end of the financial year. 


Councillor Khan commented that changing priorities appeared to be common practice.  He noted previous slippages and advised that this should not be allowed to continue.  He asked whether problems which had precluded previous deadlines being met had been identified. 


The Director of Finance explained that problems had been recognised which had lead to the appointment of Capita.  She cautioned that with continuing staff and infrastructure it would be unwise to expect an immediate transformation.  She advised that PSN was of prime importance; she asked that time be allowed to establish initiatives and assured Members that overall progress would be made.  


Referring to concerns with regard to the Revenues and Benefits Service, the Director of Finance agreed that performance was not currently acceptable; more drastic measures than in past years were required.  She agreed to provide an update for the following Committee meeting.


In response to comments regarding the absence of the Portfolio Holder, the Chair apologised on his behalf and explained that he had had another, vital, appointment that evening but would attend the following Audit Committee meeting. 


Councillor Brandon referred to previous plans and recommendations for the IT service, including items of due diligence.


The ICT Client Manager agreed that items of due diligence had been previously noted; several had been completed.  She pointed out, however, that these had not been part of the Audit process.  She added that there had been some problems connected with the transition process and loss of staff; she anticipated a lessening of problems in the future. 


Councillor Khan reiterated concerns regarding IT matters.  He considered that the issues had not been adequately investigated; until problems were fully understood progress could not be made.


The Director of Finance assured Councillor Khan that the problems had been fully recognised by the Council and that Capita were dealing with these issues.  She said that a little more time was needed to demonstrate measurable improvement.   


Councillor Williams noted that the deadline for the meeting of the Risk Management Group had been postponed from June 2013 until October 2013. 


The Head of Finance Shared Services advised that this meeting had occurred earlier in the month and had been attended by the Head of Democracy and Governance and all Heads of Service.  He agreed that the updated risk registers would be presented for the next meeting of the Audit Committee. 




1.                  That the Committee notes the progress in completion of the audit plans

2.                  That the Committee notes progress in implementing the internal auditor’s recommendations. 


ACTION:         Director of Finance and Head of Finance Shared Services


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