Agenda item

Update on the Council's Key Performance Indicators and Measures - end of year (Quarter 4) 2012/13

This report presents an update on the council’s key performance indicators (KPIs) as at the end of year (quarter 4) 2012/13 (January - March) plus other performance measures requested by the Scrutiny Committee.



The Scrutiny Committee received a report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head setting out the Key Performance Indicators and the end of year performance measures for 2012/13.  The Partnerships and Performance Section Head highlighted some of the key aspects of the report. 


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head informed the Scrutiny Committee that with effect from 1 July 2013, those indicators related to waste and recycling, street cleansing and ICT would be transferred to the report presented to the Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel.  This Scrutiny Committee would receive the first quarter’s results at its meeting in July. 


HR1 / KPI 8 – Sickness absence


Following a question about the target being reduced to 5, the Partnerships and Performance Section Head explained that the figure of 4.5 quoted in the report had been reviewed.  The revised figures showed a cumulative absence rate for those staff not being transferred as just over five days.  She explained that sickness monitoring was carried out very differently at Watford Borough Council compared to Three Rivers District Council.  Shared Services had just started using First Care, the same as Watford Borough Council, and there had been an increase in sickness rates reported since the introduction.


Data for services transferred to Veolia


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head informed the Scrutiny Committee that Veolia would be required to provide regular performance information to the Council’s Client Team.  The information would be provided to the Outsourced Services Panel as part of its regular report.


ES7 – Flyposting


In response to a question from the Chair regarding flyposting, the Partnerships and Performance Section Head explained that flyposting was used as a cheap form of advertising.  The service was very rigorous in dealing with this matter and had been disappointed with the performance results, which were a result of increased activity.


ES6 / KPI4iii – Graffiti


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head informed the Scrutiny Committee that as far as she was aware the performance indicator definitely  related to graffiti on public land but  would check whether the removal of graffiti from private property was included. 


Co5 - % of stage 1 complaints resolved within 10 days


Following comments from the Vice-Chair, the Partnerships and Performance Section Head informed the Scrutiny Committee that the current three stage system was being streamlined to a two stage system.  The complaints form was in the process of being revised.  It was also possible to submit a complaint online.


The Partnerships and Performance Section Head advised that she would confirm whether Councillors contacting the Town Hall with a resident’s complaint would be registered in the complaints system.




1.      that the performance of the Council’s key performance indicators for 2012/13 at the end of quarter 4 be noted.


2.      that the performance of the additional performance measures at the end of quarter 4 be noted.


3.      that the current set of indicators continues in 2013/14, noting that those associated with Environmental Services and ICT will be reported to the Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel from quarter 2.


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