Agenda item

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Report of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead





1.         that the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Equality Objectives (Appendix A to the report) that are established in the policy be approved.


2.         that the Delivery Plan (Appendix B to the report), that underpins the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, be approved.


Cabinet received a report of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead which was seeking approval for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and its Delivery Plan.


The Mayor invited Councillor Dychton to introduce the report.


Councillor Dychton stated that it was important there was an unwavering commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.  This was undeniable.  Although there were some who wanted to divide communities this was not the way in Watford.  In Watford the strength of the community’s diversity was recognised.  Equality, diversity and Inclusion was not just about compliance but also recognising the richness that different people gave to the community.  The council was committed to ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion was part of everything it did, from its role as an employer to being a community leader.  The policy set the standard in how we treat each other, the council’s partners and the community the council served.  It enabled all to thrive and feel valued.  It would have a positive impact on those with protected characteristics by recognising the different needs of the community.


Councillor Watkin was invited to add further details, as it related to his portfolio covering Human Resources.  He thanked Councillor Dychton for her superb introduction to the policy.  He then thanked Human Resources and other officers for developing the policy which looked outwards to the community and inwards to the council’s staff.  Regarding the workforce, this policy was beyond the council’s legal duty.  The council’s aim was to create a workforce that was closer to the demographic the council served.  The council wanted to be recognised as the leading authority in equality, diversity and inclusion for the community and council workforce.  He highlighted some of the aspects within the policy that were relevant to the workforce.


The Mayor invited the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead to address Cabinet.  The officer informed members that when developing the policy, it had been decided to have a policy fit for Watford rather than adopting a standard approach.  The policy was part of a wider conversation established by the council.  It was linked to other council policies.  Consultation had taken place and good feedback had been received.


The Mayor thanked the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead for her work on the policy.  He noted the Delivery Plan and asked how members would be aware of the output of the policy.  The officer explained that this was set out in the delivery plan and there were clear reporting timeframes.  It would be possible to monitor progress through updates.


Councillor Rodrigues thanked those involved in developing the policy which was very detailed and thorough.  He asked how the council would ensure its strategic partners shared the council’s views.


The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead explained that as part of the procurement arrangement, mechanisms were built into it to ensure they met the council’s equality duty and were in line with the council’s vision.


The Director of Performance added that the council was unable to outsource its equality duty to contracted organisations.  The council collected information from the organisations.  It was still the council’s responsibility to ensure the equality duty was embedded in their work.


Councillor Pattinson commented that Community Engagement and Participation Strategy had been presented alongside this policy.  They gave the council a powerful mechanism to communicate will all the community.  She congratulated officers on the policies.




1.         that the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Equality Objectives (Appendix A to the report) that are established in the policy be approved.


2.         that the Delivery Plan (Appendix B to the report), that underpins the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, be approved.


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