Agenda item

Voluntary Sector Commissioning Framework

Report of the Community Commissioning Lead





1.         that the Voluntary Sector Commissioning Framework 2024-2028 priorities and principles identified in section 5.13 and 5.15 and Appendix 1 of the report be approved.


2.         that the budget profile 2024-2026 as set out in section 5.28 of the report be approved.


3.         that the responsibility to implement the next steps, key milestones and actions identified in sections 5.11 and 7.0 of the report are in place from the 1 April 2024 be delegated to the Community Commissioning Lead in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community.



Cabinet received a report of the Community Commissioning Lead which sought Cabinet’s approval of the Voluntary Sector Commissioning Framework 2024-2028 and its budget profile.


The Mayor invited Councillor Dychton to introduce the report.


Councillor Dychton welcomed the report and informed Cabinet that there had been an extensive amount of work with stakeholders and voluntary groups in the review of the framework.  She paid tribute to individuals and organisations that supported Watford’s residents.  They aided the council in supporting the most vulnerable in the community.  She commented that the council was facing challenging times in the current economic situation, with a 50% real term cut in funding from central government.  The council therefore had difficult decisions to be made in how taxpayers’ money was spent.  However, it had been clear that front line services had to be protected.  Officers had worked with the voluntary sector to identify the crucial services for residents.  The organisations’ opportunity to draw in independent income had also been taken into account.  The work had enabled the council to find a fair funding balance.  The council had engaged with the CVS to get a better understanding to the sector’s resilience.


Councillor Dychton continued to explain that the research carried out had found that the organisations included in the 2019-2023 framework aligned with the current and future needs of the community, as well as the commitments in the current Council Plan.  The council had decided not to enter a new commissioning exercise.  She outlined the organisations that were included in the framework and the roles they would carry out.  It was important that the framework met the council’s ambitions.  She stressed that the framework did not sit in isolation and should be read alongside the current Council Plan, the Community Engagement and Participation Strategy and many others. 


Councillor Dychton finished by stating that she was confident that the framework would enable the community and voluntary sector to continue to deliver essential support for local people and ensuring the council was still able to provide community, social and economic benefits in the future.


The Mayor thanked Councillor Dychton, plus Councillors Watkin, Saffery and officers for their work.  He was aware there had been a great deal of discussion about the framework and consultation with relevant groups.  He had met with representatives of YMCA and Citizens Advice and both organisations had spoken positively about the level of engagement that had taken place.


The Mayor invited the Associate Director of Environment to add any further comments.


The Associate Director commented that Councillor Dychton had provided a very thorough summary.  He did confirm that there had been extensive consultation and there had been collaborative work carried out between the council and the sector.


Councillor Watkin said that this reflected the council’s commitment to work with all community organisations, whether it was about the right facilities, financial support or environment for them to work successfully.  It provided clarity about how the council engaged with the organisation and why.


Councillor Dychton added that it would not have been possible to get to this position without the hard work of the officers and she wished to thank them for their work on this difficult and complex subject.  She was proud that the council was still able to deliver the service, whereas many councils were no longer able to provide the support.




1.         that the Voluntary Sector Commissioning Framework 2024-2028 priorities and principles identified in section 5.13 and 5.15 and Appendix 1 of the report be approved.


2.         that the budget profile 2024-2026 as set out in section 5.28 of the report be approved.


3.         that the responsibility to implement the next steps, key milestones and actions identified in sections 5.11 and 7.0 of the report are in place from the 1 April 2024 be delegated to the Community Commissioning Lead in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community.


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