Agenda item

21/00765/OUTM Watford General Hospital Vicarage Road Watford WD18 0HB


The Associate Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Economy delivered his team’s report. 


The Chair thanked the officer and invited Dr Aylett to speak against the application.


Dr Aylett stated he opposed the application as it was against the Local Plan and would be inappropriate for Watford Hospital.  He believed this would be used as a precedent for taller buildings being constructed across the borough.  Dr Aylett believed the case set out by the officers for breaching the Local Plan was weak; he described the design as not being outstanding.  He quoted the Place Shaping Expert Review Panel who had said a more ‘innovative design’ was required.  He further stated that the three-finger tower design was seen as unfavourable compared with a four-tower design.  He stated that he believed the panel would welcome the opportunity to view it again.  Dr Aylett repeated that he did not believe the design was outstanding, especially given how close the towers would be to each other – only sixteen metres apart and all in a row.  He stated that this did not fit the standard for residential developments.  Dr Aylett finished by stating that daylight and sunlight availability was not favourable.


The Chair thanked Dr Aylett and invited the Associate Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Economy to respond to his points.


The Associate Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Economy responded; he stated that it was not a residential development so those standards would not apply, and the design panel had been involved in the process and there would be further designs as the process continued.  He also stated that the taller building policy was not designed to prevent the construction of tall buildings but to only permit them where they would deliver significant public benefits. In this case, this is fulfilled by providing a significant health facility for the community.


The Chair thanked the Associate Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Economy and invited Councillor Stotesbury to speak.


Councillor Stotesbury called on the committee to support the scheme stating that it would provide improvements for patients and staff.  He stated that the council had already provided council land to allow for new buildings while the hospital continued to function.  He further stated that it had good sustainability factors and was considered green.  It would be a modern hospital and would bring employment in to the town.  He finished by stating that the council should hold government to account to continue making funds available.


The Chair thanked Councillor Stotesbury, and shared his thoughts with the committee.  He stated that the detail and the quality would come back to the committee in time and those issues would be discussed then.   He further stated that the resolution had already been passed and that this committee was to decide if the plans met the Local Plan in principle.  He then invited the committee to discuss the development.


Councillor Bell stated that he saw no major changes to the plan from two years earlier.  He did not believe it detracted from the Local Plan and stated that the final design would come later.  Furthermore, he had no issues with tall buildings on this occasion.  He stated that his position was to send a clear message to the government that funding would be needed to get this done for the residents of Watford.


Several other councillors spoke giving their support for the hospital development, recognising that there would be time in the future to finalise the design. 


The Chair moved for the committee to vote on the officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the committee, the application was approved.




That outline planning permission be granted subject to the completion of a planning agreement under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the provisions of the updated s.106 Heads of Terms and subject to the conditions as detailed below.


Section 106 Heads of Terms


i) To secure the provision and maintenance of a safe and direct

pedestrian and cycle route from the north of the site to Vicarage Road

at all times following occupation of the new hospital with details to be

submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Details of

this route shall include its position, width, surface finish, lighting,

signage and any level changes;


ii) To secure an updated Travel Plan and financial payment to

Hertfordshire County Council of £6,000 for the long term monitoring of

the Travel Plan for the site;


iii) To secure a financial payment of £600,000 to Hertfordshire County

Council towards bus services in the vicinity of the hospital;


iv) To secure a financial payment of £250,000 to Hertfordshire County

Council for the improvements along Thomas Sawyer Way;


v) To secure a financial payment of £150,000 to Watford Borough Council

for improvements to pedestrian and cycling routes to the hospital;


vi) To secure the submission and implementation of an Employment and

Training Plan to support training, skills and professional development of

local people.




1. Reserved Matters

Approval of the details of the following reserved matters shall be obtained

from the Local Planning Authority before any development commences:

(a) appearance; (b) access; (c) landscaping; (d) layout; (e) scale.


2. Time Limit

Application(s) for approval of the 'reserved matters' must be made not later

than the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. The

development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than

the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or,

in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last

reserved matter to be approved.


3. Drawing Numbers

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings

and documents unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning

Authority. The following drawings are hereby approved:

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-03001- C01 Application and Ownership Boundary

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-03002 - C01 Existing Site Block Plan

WHHT-BDP-WGH-XX-DR-T-22301 - C01 Existing Site Sections AA and BB

WHHT-BDP-WGH-XX-DR-T-22302 - C01 Existing Site Sections CC and DD

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20021 - C01 Site Plan - Proposed Demolitions

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20000 C01 - Parameter Plan- Development Plot

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20002 - C01 - Parameter Plan - Maximum Height

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20003 - C01 - Parameter Plan - Access and

Movement WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20004 - C01 - Parameter Plan -

Frontages and Spaces

WHHT-BDP-WGH-XX-RP-T-00103 - Design Code


4. Surface Water Drainage Scheme

No development shall commence until a surface water drainage scheme for

the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the

hydrological and hydro geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The

drainage strategy should demonstrate the surface water run-off generated up

to and including the 1 in 100 year plus climate change critical storm will not

exceed the run-off from the undeveloped site following the corresponding

rainfall event. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance

with the approved details before the development is completed. A full

detailed drainage design and surface water drainage assessment should


1. A drainage strategy which includes a commitment to providing appropriate

SuDS in line with the non-statutory national standards, industry best practice

and HCC Guidance for SuDS.

2. Full detailed design drainage plan including location of all the drainage


3. Where infiltration is proposed, evidence of ground conditions/ underlying

geology and permeability including BRE Digest 365 compliant infiltration tests.

4. Detailed calculations of existing/proposed surface water storage volumes

and flows with initial post development calculations and/or modelling in

relation to surface water are to be carried out for all rainfall events up to and

including the 1 in 100 year including an allowance for climate change.

5. Evidence that if the applicant is proposing to discharge to the local sewer

network, they have confirmation from the relevant water company that they

have the capacity to take the proposed volumes and run-off rates.

6. Discharge from the site should be at an agreed rate with the water

company. This should be at Greenfield run-off rate; technical justification will

be needed if a different rate is to be used.

7. An indicative maintenance plan detailing how the scheme shall be

maintained and managed.


5. Construction Environment Management plans

No development shall commence until a Construction Management Plan has

been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority,

including elements of the CLOCS standards as set out in the Highway

Authority’s Construction Management template. Thereafter the construction

of the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved

Plan. The Construction Management Plan / Statement shall include details of:

a. Construction vehicle numbers, type, routing;

b. Access arrangements to the site;

c. Traffic management requirements

d. Construction and storage compounds (including areas designated for car

parking, loading / unloading and turning areas);

e. Siting and details of wheel washing facilities;

f. Cleaning of site entrances, site tracks and the adjacent public highway;

g. Timing of construction activities (including delivery times and removal of

waste) and to avoid school pick up/drop off times;

h. Provision of sufficient on-site parking prior to commencement of

construction activities;

i. Post construction restoration/reinstatement of the working areas and

temporary access to the public highway;

j. where works cannot be contained wholly within the site a plan should be

submitted showing the site layout on the highway including extent of

hoarding, pedestrian routes and remaining road width for vehicle movements;

k. Phasing Plan.


6. Contamination remediation

Prior to the commencement of development approved by this planning

permission (or such other date or stage in development as may be agreed in

writing with the Local Planning Authority), the following components of a

scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site shall

each be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority:

i) A site investigation, based on the Ground Conditions and Contamination Risk

Assessment prepared by GB Geotechnics Ltd (Report ref. WHHT-BDP-WGH-XXRP-T-00116), to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site. This should include an assessment of the potential risks to: human health, property (existing or

proposed) including buildings, crops, pests, woodland and service lines and

pipes, adjoining land, ground waters and surface waters, ecological systems,

archaeological sites and ancient monuments.

ii) The site investigation results and the detailed risk assessment (i) and, based

on these, an options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the

remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken.

iii) A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order

to demonstrate that the works set out in (ii) are complete and identifying any

requirements for longer term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance

and arrangements for contingency action. Any changes to these components

require the express consent of the local planning authority. The scheme shall

be implemented as approved.


7. Tree protection

Prior to the commencement of development, an Arboricultural Method

Statement (AMS) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local

Planning Authority. This shall be in accordance with the Arboricultural Impact

Assessment (Rev C02) and shall also include the following:

i) Facilitation pruning details;

ii) Underground services and drainage layout; and

iii) General construction precautionary measures including detail of

Tree Protection Plan

The approved measures and details shall be installed and maintained

throughout the development unless otherwise approved in writing by the

Local Planning Authority.


8. Fire Hydrants

No construction works shall commence until a detailed scheme for the

provision of mains water services to serve the development, including, where

necessary, fire hydrants, has been submitted to and approved in writing by

the Local Planning Authority. No occupation of the development shall take

place until the approved mains water scheme been provided in full.


9. Energy Statement

i) Prior to the commencement of development, an Energy Statement in

accordance with the targets and objectives set out in the Energy

Statement shall be submitted to an approved in writing by the Local

Planning Authority.

ii) Prior to occupation, evidence demonstrating that the approved

measures have been implemented, together with detail of ongoing

management and maintenance to ensure the measures continue to

achieve the predicted CO2 emissions reduction shall be submitted and

approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


10. Sustainability Statement

Prior to commencement of development, a Sustainability Statement based on

the Sustainability Statement submitted, shall be submitted for approval in

writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be constructed

in full accordance with the approved Sustainability Statement prior to



11. Slow-worm Translocation

Prior to commencement of development within the donor area indicated in

‘Slow Worm Translocation Strategy V01’ drawing, the Translocation Strategy

for slow-worms as detailed in the Preliminary Ecological Assessment Rev C02

[WHHT-BDP-WGH-XX-RP-T-00112] shall be implemented.


12. Bat survey

If the proposed demolition of the existing buildings or felling of identified

trees has not been carried out before the end of April 2022 a further Bat

Survey shall be undertaken and submitted and approved in writing by the

Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the development. The Bat

survey shall consist of a Preliminary Roost Assessment and Emergence/Reentry

Survey undertaken by a suitably qualified ecologist.


13. Compliance Statement

All Reserved Matters applications shall be accompanied by a Compliance

Statement to demonstrate compliance of the Reserved Matters applications

with the outline permission and shall include to following details:

i) Demonstrate compliance with the approved Parameters Plans

ii) Demonstrate compliance with the approved Design Code

iii) Detail if and why there are any instances where the Reserved Matters

application deviates from the Indicative Scheme of section 5.2 of the

Design and Access Statement for the outline application


14. Maximum Heights

All Reserved Matters applications shall accord with the approved Parameter

Plan for Maximum Height as follows:

i) No part of the building, with the exception of flues and roof top plant,

shall exceed the maximum heights of the development as detailed in

the Maximum Height Parameter Plan;

ii) Where the Maximum Height Parameter Plan approves an area of

building up to a maximum height of +150m AOD for up to 60% of the

area, the remainder of the building in this area shall not exceed a

maximum height of +112m AOD; and

iii) Where the Maximum Height Parameter Plan approved an area of

building up to a maximum height of +112m AOD for up to 75% of the

area, the remainder of the building in this area shall not exceed a

maximum height of +90m AOD.


15. Appearance

Any application in respect of reserved matter (a) ‘Appearance’ shall include

details of all matters of appearance including, but not limited to, the following:

i) All plant and equipment including gas storage, roof plant, PV, cleaning

cradles, lift overruns, railing, flues, vents and telecommunication equipment

and any associated mitigation to avoid noise impacts;

ii) Bridge links which shall have a transparency of 60-80% on elevations;

iii) Entrances and Active Frontages, as identified on the Parameter Plan for

Frontages and Spaces, to include shopfronts and direct accesses to ancillary

retail units;

iv) How the design of the building responds to micro-climate issues such as

wind and sun, including any screening or mitigation to prevent adverse wind

impact or overheating


16. Landscaping

Any application in respect of reserved matter (c) ‘Landscaping’ shall include

details of all matters of site landscaping including, but not limited to, the


i) Access arrangements for public and non-public spaces;

ii) Access, landscaping and management of roof terraces and podiums;

iii) How the landscaping design responds to micro-climate issues such as wind

or shading, including any mitigation;

iv) Location and detail of all public seating and seating associated to the

ancillary retail uses including microclimate mitigation for these areas

including screens, shelters or heating;

v) Location and detail of public art;

vi) Site wide scheme of wayfinding; and

vii) External lighting scheme.


17. Final ground and floor levels

Details of the proposed finished floor levels of all buildings and the finished

ground levels of the site, in relation to existing site levels of surrounding

property shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning

Authority with the submission of any reserved matters application. The

development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved



18. Contamination verification

Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation

scheme and prior to the first use or occupation of the development, a

verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation

carried out must be produced together with any necessary monitoring and

maintenance programme and copies of any waste transfer notes relating to

exported and imported soils shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority

for approval. The approved monitoring and maintenance programme shall be



19. Foul Water- Thames Water

The development shall not be occupied until confirmation has been provided

that either:- 1. All wastewater network upgrades required to accommodate

the additional flows from the development have been completed; or- 2. A

development and infrastructure phasing plan has been agreed with the Local

Planning Authority to allow development to be occupied. Where a

development and infrastructure phasing plan is agreed, no occupation shall

take place other than in accordance with the agreed development and

infrastructure phasing plan.


20. BREEAM Excellent

Within 6 months of first occupation the final post construction BREEAM

certificate(s) indicating that a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating has been achieved

shall be submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing.


21. Travel Plan

At least 3 months prior to the first occupation or use of the approved

development a detailed Travel Plan for the site shall be submitted to and

approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved Travel Plan

shall be implemented in accordance with the timetable and target contained

therein and shall continue to be implemented unless otherwise approved in

writing by the Local Planning Authority


22. Accesses installed

No part of the development shall be occupied until the new vehicular

accesses, as shown in principle on Parameter Plan Connections and Access

(WHHT-BDP-WGH-00-DR-T-20003 - C01), have been laid out and constructed

in accordance with the details to be approved under reserved matter (b)



23. Surface Water Drainage Completion

Upon completion of the drainage works, a management and maintenance

plan for the SuDS features and drainage network must be submitted to and

approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management and

maintenance plan shall include:

1. Provision of a complete set of as built drawings including the final drainage

layout for the site drainage network.

2. Maintenance and operational activities for the lifetime of the development.

3. Arrangements for adoption and any other measures to secure the

operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime.


24. Cycle Storage to be installed

The cycle parking approved by any subsequent reserved matters application

shall be installed and made available for use prior to the occupation of any

part of the development and shall be retained at all times for cycle storage

only and shall not be used for any other purpose.


25. Car free Green Spine

The Pedestrian Priority Route to the north east of the site, identified on the

Connections and Access parameter Plan, and referred to as the ‘Green Spine’

in the Design Code, shall be ‘car-free’ and used only by pedestrians and cycles

other than for maintenance and emergency vehicle access.


26. Soft Landscaping carried out

The soft landscaping scheme to be approved under reserved matter (c)

Landscaping shall be carried out as approved not later than the first available

planting and seeding season after completion of the development. Any trees

or plants whether new or existing which within a period of five years die, are

removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the

next planting season with others of similar size and species, or in accordance

with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


27. Unexpected contamination

In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the

approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported

in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk

assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of

Condition 6, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must

be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Condition 6, which is

subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Following

completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a

verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing

of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with Condition 6.


28. Materials Panel

Construction of the superstructure shall not commence until:

a) Full details of the materials to be used for all the external surfaces have

been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority;


b) Sample panels have been constructed on site to show the typical facades

including panelling, window frames and glazing, and have made available for

inspection and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


29. Access

No development shall commence until full details (in the form of scaled plans

and / or written specifications) have been submitted to and approved in

writing by the Local Planning Authority to illustrate the following:

i) Roads, footways.

ii) Cycleways.

iii) Foul and surface water drainage.

iv) Visibility splay

v) Access arrangements

vi) Parking provision.

vii) Loading areas.

viii) Turning areas.


30. Vehicular access

Prior to the first occupation or use of the development hereby permitted the

vehicular access shall be completed and thereafter retained as shown on

drawing number(s) (20175/019 Rev A, 20175/026 Rev C, 20175/027 Rev A and

WHHT-BDP-WGH-00_DR-T-20140 Rev C01) in accordance with

details/specifications to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local

Planning Authority. Prior to use appropriate arrangements shall be made for

surface water to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not

discharge from or onto the highway carriageway.


31. General Vehicle Through Route Closure

Prior to the first occupation or use of the development hereby permitted

general vehicle through routes via the hospital between Vicarage Road,

Willow Lane and Thomas Sawyer Way will be closed to general traffic.


Supporting documents: