Agenda item

Mayor's Report


The Chairman invited members to indicate whether they wished to ask a question of the Mayor.  Councillors Trebar, Bell, Dhindsa and Ezeifedi indicated that they wished to ask questions.


The Mayor opened his report by adding his congratulations to Councillor Nembhard for his recent MBE award. 


He also informed Council that Councillor Rodrigues would be taking over Councillor Williams’ portfolio work for approximately six months from 1 October, whilst Councillor Williams received medical treatment.  He wished Councillor Williams all the best for a swift recovery. 


The Chairman agreed with the comments regarding Councillor Williams and advised that he would be sending a letter to Councillor Williams on behalf of the Council.  


1.   Councillor Trebar asked about the problem of fly tipping and anti-social behaviour in Chester Road, as there had been numerous complaints.  She asked if the mobile CCTV could be sited there and suggested the Watford magazine could be used as a platform to educate, as she felt that some residents did not understand it was an offence to fly tip. 


The Mayor responded that the CCTV had been deployed for a trial period and the impact would be assessed.  He pointed out that it was not possible to site the CCTV in every road, primarily due to the need for a power source.  He encouraged residents to report every instance of illegal fly tipping and assured Council that dumped rubbish was always removed very promptly.  Cases were investigated and any evidence coming to light that would support a prosecution, would result in court action. 


2.   Councillor Bell asked if the Mayor had been involved in any consultation with the local MP or Home Office about the new Watford Police Station.


The Mayor replied that he had discussed the police station many times with the Chief Inspector, the Chief Constable and David Lloyd, the Police and Crime Commissioner.  He commented that this move had been planned for a long time as the building in Shady Lane was very old and in need of renewal.  The new site was planned to be opened in November 2023. 


In response to a supplementary question from Councillor Bell about the suitability of the new location and potential effect on response times, the Mayor replied that he was pleased, particularly as it was in the town centre, with a likely positive effect on the anti-social behaviour around Church Car Park.  He added that the Police were in consultation with the County Council about ensuring ready access and egress to and from the site and that this council worked closely with the Police. 


3.   Councillor Dhindsa asked about on-street electric vehicle charging, commenting that in his ward, parking was a major issue.  He asked who it was that decided where the charging points would be sited and if there was any consultation with ward councillors. 


The Mayor stated that Councillor Stotesbury was the relevant portfolio holder and the officers, led by the Executive Director of Place, Tom Dobrashian, were working on this issue.  He advised that if Councillor Dhindsa had concerns about a particular issue, then to liaise with Councillor Stotesbury and officers as this would be given proper consideration.  He stressed that the important concern here was that there were enough chargers to cope with the surge in supply of electric vehicles.  He added that he was very pleased that funding had been secured from central government for 79 new electric vehicle charging points. 


In response to a follow up question, the Mayor said that the planned locations of the electric vehicle charging points would be shared with all members. 


4. Councillor Ezeifedi asked for an update on the motion on vaping and its effect on children, that had been agreed in March. 


The Mayor explained that the Local Government Association, of which Watford was a member, had very recently put out a statement calling on the government to ban the sale of disposable vapes.  This was fully supported.


Regarding the specifics of the cross-party motion, the Mayor directed Councillor Ezeifedi to speak further with the portfolio holder, Councillor Dychton. 


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