Agenda item

Business Intelligence Strategy

Report of the Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead





1.      That the Business Intelligence Strategy and Delivery Plan be approved and formally adopted.


2.      That officers review the title of the Business Intelligence Strategy in consultation with the Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Resources.  That delegated authority be granted to the Mayor to change the title of the strategy following the review.


Cabinet received a report of the Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead which included the proposed Business Intelligence Strategy.


The Mayor thanked the officers for the incredible amount of work they had put in to developing the strategy.  He invited Councillor Watkin to explain the report in more detail.


Councillor Watkin added his thanks to the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services and Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead.  The strategy was a fundamental building block for the council to ensure it continued to progress and react to the changing environment.  The council would become information rich, enabling it to capture data correctly and efficiently.  It would drive improvement and make decision-making transparent.  It was important to understand the community the council served, the changing needs and the quality of the service delivered.  The strategy would have trackable activities.  It would aid the council to remain a high performing organisation, delivering great services and positive change for the community.  He commended the report to Cabinet.


The Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead added that the strategy is designed to be short and easy to connect to it.  It had evolved as it had been developed to reach the current iteration.  It was focussed on delivery.  Examples had been added to help bring the strategy to life.


The Mayor commented that it had been a very collaborative approach, including discussions throughout with members.  At a time the council was under financial pressure, this type of strategy that was driving performance was critical.  There had been some discussion about the strategy’s name.  He hoped that this could be reviewed and that officers could consult with him and the Portfolio Holder.  He requested this was added as a further recommendation for Cabinet to consider.


Councillor Bell noted that there was reference to an Equalities Impact Analysis being undertaken; he questioned whether this should not have already been completed.  He mentioned the dashboards and commented that he had stated before that not all residents had access to email.  He understood that much of the strategy related to business, but it was important to consider residents who did not have email.


The Mayor responded that it was essential to remember that the strategy was about sharing information internally to drive improvement rather than sharing the data externally.


The Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead advised that the Equalities Impact Analysis had been developed but had been circulated to various officers for feedback.  It was a live document although it would initially be signed off.  She would circulate it once all feedback had been received.


The Director of Performance informed members that the Business Intelligence Strategy formed part of a suite of strategies, which also included the Customer Experience Strategy.  This strategy focussed on how individuals contacted the council including those who were not digitally enabled.




1.      That the Business Intelligence Strategy and Delivery Plan be approved and formally adopted.


2.      That officers review the title of the Business Intelligence Strategy in consultation with the Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Resources.  That delegated authority be granted to the Mayor to change the title of the strategy following the review.


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