Agenda item

Town Hall and Colosseum Refurbishment - Award of Contract

Report of the Town Hall Quarter Programme Manager


Please note: the Appendices are considered exempt in accordance with paragraph 3, Part 1, Schedule 12A as they contain commercially sensitive information.





1.         that AEG be selected as preferred bidder for the Colosseum Operator re-tender and the Director of Partnerships be authorised, in consultation with the Group Head of Democracy and Governance and the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, to enter into negotiations and contract with the preferred bidder, keeping the Elected Mayor and Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group updated on the progress of negotiations.


2.         that Parkwood be held in reserve should the council be unable to reach contractual agreement with AEG pending financial viability.


3.         that the Elected Mayor be authorised, in consultation with the Chief Executive and Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, to appoint the contractor for the Colosseum refurbishment works, subject to the final contract sum being within the overall programme budget envelope as outlined in section 5.1 of the report.


4.         that the Elected Mayor be authorised, in consultation with the Chief Executive and Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, to appoint the contractor for the Town Hall refurbishment works subject to the final contract sum being within the overall programme budget envelope as outlined in section 5.1 of the report.


5.         that the sum of £1,184k be authorised to be taken from the Strategic CIL fund to contribute towards the maintenance and operation of the Colosseum.



Cabinet received a report of the Town Hall Quarter Programme Manager which included a full business case for the refurbishment of Watford Colosseum and an update on the progress of the Town Hall refurbishment.


The Mayor referred to the visit earlier in the day which enabled those present to see the progress being made on the decarbonisation works in the Town Hall, which included the windows, lighting and later the installation of solar panels.  These works would have the impact of a big financial saving for the council and ultimately residents.


During the covid pandemic many residents had visited the Town Hall to receive their vaccination.  The Mayor wanted to maintain the place as a community hub and part of this would be having a successful Colosseum.  The report recommended that AEG was appointed as the operator for the Colosseum when it was due to re-open in 2024.  This would follow an extensive period of improvement and renovation.  AEG managed over 120 venues including the O2 Arena and other arenas and clubs across the country.   It would bring many jobs to the town, not just in the Colosseum but also to other venues across the town, including shops, bars and restaurants.  Due to the company’s experience it would support the council’s vision to put the Colosseum on the map as a modern, live entertainment venue.  The company would be bringing high calibre performers.  It would also be able to hold business events and there would be reduced rates for local community groups.


The Mayor advised that the report also covered the refurbishment of the Town Hall with a modern, interactive museum being located in the building.  It would have space for the Watford community hub, improved open space and an innovation and incubation to support businesses.


Councillor Williams said it was great to get a renowned company to operate the Colosseum on a long-term contract.  This clearly demonstrated the popularity and vibrancy of Watford.  The contract to AEG was great for the community and businesses.  The Town Hall Quarter programme was proceeding at pace and AEG would be involved as part of the refurbishment of the Colosseum.  The early appointment also enabled them to book their programme ready for the re-opening next year.  The town had missed the Colosseum and was looking forward to it re-opening.  The economic benefits for the town should not be under-estimated.  He advised that a full procurement process had been carried out before identifying AEG as the preferred bidder.  Parkwood would be held in reserve, as set out in the report.   Since the report in the Watford Observer, residents had been commenting to him about the plans.


Councillor Bell commented that he welcomed the exciting news.  The Colosseum was one of the jewels in Watford’s crown.  Its acoustics were well-renowned.  He hoped that the town’s diverse community would be part of the venue, much more than before.


Councillor Dychton said that she was looking forward to the new Colosseum.  Residents and local community groups had all missed the venue and were looking forward to it re-opening.  The community was an essential part of the venue.  All parties understood the importance of the local community.


Councillor Stotesbury added that the community was embedded in the Colosseum and the Town Hall works.  He expected the Town Hall to be more engaged with the community, not only access.




1.         that AEG be selected as preferred bidder for the Colosseum Operator re-tender and the Director of Partnerships be authorised, in consultation with the Group Head of Democracy and Governance and the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, to enter into negotiations and contract with the preferred bidder, keeping the Elected Mayor and Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group updated on the progress of negotiations.


2.         that Parkwood be held in reserve should the council be unable to reach contractual agreement with AEG pending financial viability.


3.         that the Elected Mayor be authorised, in consultation with the Chief Executive and Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, to appoint the contractor for the Colosseum refurbishment works, subject to the final contract sum being within the overall programme budget envelope as outlined in section 5.1 of the report.


4.         that the Elected Mayor be authorised, in consultation with the Chief Executive and Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, to appoint the contractor for the Town Hall refurbishment works subject to the final contract sum being within the overall programme budget envelope as outlined in section 5.1 of the report.


5.         that the sum of £1,184k be authorised to be taken from the Strategic CIL fund to contribute towards the maintenance and operation of the Colosseum.

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