Agenda item

Town Hall Quarter - New Neighbourhood - Selection of Preferred Bidder

Report of the Executive Director of Place


The Appendix is considered to be exempt (Part B) in accordance with Paragraph 3, Schedule 12A, as it contains commercially sensitive information.




1.      that Mace Developments Limited be selected as preferred bidder for the Town Hall Quarter New Neighbourhood Project.


2.      that the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Mayor and Chief Executive, and providing regular updates to the Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group, be authorised to progress resolution of the delivery programme, complete contractual negotiations and prepare an initial business plan and to bring these back to Cabinet for ratification and recommendation onto Council.


3.      that the Associate Director of Property and Asset Management be authorised to continue land assembly negotiations with other landowners across the site, to provide regular updates to the Mayor, Chief Executive and Member Steering Group, and to revert to Cabinet for authorisation for any acquisitions.


4.      that the Regeneration Team to continue to work with other public and private sector bodies to consider the regeneration plans for this area of Watford, working within existing budgets and providing regular updates to the Mayor, Chief Executive and Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group.



Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director of Place which provided details of the preferred bidder for the private sector development partner for the Town Hall Quarter (THQ) New Neighbourhood project.


The Mayor introduced the report.  He advised that this report focused on the New Neighbourhood project which would enhance the work being carried out on to revitalise the Town Hall and Colosseum.  It would make the most of under-utilised land, delivering improved health facilities, new homes, businesses and possibly a hotel.  He explained that a procurement process had been undertaken to find a private sector development partner with the intention of setting up a fifty-fifty joint venture.  Following the procurement exercise Mace Developments had been identified.  The company had a strong track record in delivering high profile schemes, including the Stevenage Town Centre.


The Mayor noted the appendix outlined the procurement in more detailed.  He advised members that due to the commercially sensitive nature of the content if they wished to discuss it they would need to move the exclusion of press and public.  However, firstly they would consider the report and invited questions or comments from members.


Councillor Bell said it was an interesting report and noted that it was intended to pause the work for 12 months.  He asked whether there was a risk the scheme would not come back in 12 months, for example if the economy worsened.  He also referred to the Limited Liability Partnership with Mace, he assumed this would remain in place as fifty-fifty between the council and Mace, the same as Kier.


The Mayor confirmed it was fifty-fifty as with the joint venture with Kier.  He advised that there would still be a great deal of work going on over the next 12 months.  He stressed it was prudent to recognise the economic uncertainty.


The Chief Executive commented that through the competitive tender process there had been a lot of interest in the scheme and the council’s ambition.  The report was recommending a prudent view and this would give time to carry out due diligence. 


Councillor Watkin said that this was a critical decision; finding the right partner and it was important how they would work together.  Currently it was not the most prudent time to start making big investments, but the company was committed to working with the council in the future.  This scheme would transform this part of Watford.


The Mayor added that throughout all the discussions with Mace they had agreed with the council about creating a community and the facilities needed to support it.


Councillor Pattinson stated that she had been impressed with the Mace offer of developing quality homes which were needed in Watford.  Officers would be working with Homes England to identify funding to ensure social housing was part of it.


Councillor Dychton also welcomed Mace’s commitment to deliver the best possible outcome for the town.


There were no questions on the Part B appendix.


The Mayor thanked everyone for their comments.




1.      that Mace Developments Limited be selected as preferred bidder for the Town Hall Quarter New Neighbourhood Project.


2.      that the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Mayor and Chief Executive, and providing regular updates to the Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group, be authorised to progress resolution of the delivery programme, complete contractual negotiations and prepare an initial business plan and to bring these back to Cabinet for ratification and recommendation onto Council.


3.      that the Associate Director of Property and Asset Management be authorised to continue land assembly negotiations with other landowners across the site, to provide regular updates to the Mayor, Chief Executive and Member Steering Group, and to revert to Cabinet for authorisation for any acquisitions.


4.      that the Regeneration Team to continue to work with other public and private sector bodies to consider the regeneration plans for this area of Watford, working within existing budgets and providing regular updates to the Mayor, Chief Executive and Town Hall Quarter Member Steering Group.


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