Agenda item

South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan Statement of Community Involvement

Report of the Spatial Planning Manager





1.      that, the South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan Statement of Community Involvement attached at appendix 1 is adopted.


2.      that, the Issues and Options (Regulation 18) Consultation Document titled ‘The JSP: South West Hertfordshire 2050, Realising our Potential’ and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal attached at appendix 4 is approved for public consultation.


3.      that, any amendments required to be approved to the Regulation 18 consultation document and the Statement of Community Involvement be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Partnerships and Planning.



Cabinet received a report of the Spatial Planning Manager which contained the SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Regulation 18 Issues and Options Consultation document which required approval by each of the partner authorities.


The Mayor introduced the report.  He said this was a key opportunity for the five South West Hertfordshire councils, supported by the County Council, to work together on a long-term integrated strategic planning framework, covering major issues for the area including housing, climate change and sustainability.  The Joint Strategic Plan was not the equivalent of a local plan and would not affect the council’s own Local Plan.  The Joint Strategic Plan would enable the authorities to work collaboratively and understand how many homes were realistic across South West Hertfordshire.  The consultation would seek views on strategic cross-boundary issues.  There would be a further two rounds of public consultation before the plan was finalised.  A detailed report was included in the agenda pack.


Councillor Stotesbury stated that he was pleased that climate change and transport had been included.  He noted that water usage was significantly higher in Watford than the national average.  The council was shortly going to provide information about how to reduce water usage.  He was pleased to see the list of statutory consultees.  His main concern was transport and advised that funding had not been granted for the Abbey Line.


The Mayor acknowledged that transport was a big concern.  He invited the Spatial Planning Manager to add any further comments.


The Spatial Planning Manager agreed transport was a concern and that it was integral to sustainable development.  He commented that residents primarily relied on cars for transport.  There needed to be a shift in society, for example more working from home and people choosing to use modes of transport other than the private car.  Sustainable transport included increasing cycling and walking.  It would be a challenging issue moving forward with steps taken now being the precursor to achieving long-term objectives set out by the council.


In response to a question from Councillor Pattinson about health and equalities impact assessments, the Spatial Planning Manager explained that this would be considered prior to the draft policy being presented for approval.  The current document was too high level for the impact assessments to be meaningful.




1.      that, the South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan Statement of Community Involvement attached at appendix 1 is adopted.


2.      that, the Issues and Options (Regulation 18) Consultation Document titled ‘The JSP: South West Hertfordshire 2050, Realising our Potential’ and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal attached at appendix 4 is approved for public consultation.


3.      that, any amendments required to be approved to the Regulation 18 consultation document and the Statement of Community Involvement be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Partnerships and Planning.


Supporting documents: