Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of the Bike Hire Scheme (Sustainable Transport Contracts) Year 1 (2020 - 2021)

Report of Head of Leisure and Environmental Services


The committee received a report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services providing information on the performance of the Bike Hire scheme as part of the sustainable transport programme during Year 1 (March 2020 - March 2021).


The Portfolio Holder for Sustainability and Transport welcomed the committee’s invitation and summarised that the scheme was a success. There had been just under 150,000 journeys and over 500,000km travelled by 19,000 users.


The Group Head of Community and Environmental Services introduced the report noting that it was an important scheme which had been well received and well used. He highlighted that 15% of the journeys had replaced the use of a car, van or motorbike. Engagement with the operator remained positive, with new bike stands being introduced to prevent the issue of bikes falling over. The redistribution of bikes remained under close review and it had been a successful scheme.


The committee discussed the costs of the scheme for the council, with some members asking why there was no income for the council and others of the view that it was a sound investment. There was currently a subsidy in place and Beryl Bikes sent a monthly invoice based on the number of rides.  The intention was for the subsidy to be phased out over the first four years of the scheme by which time it should be self-sufficient. This was based on projected ridership figures.  The council had also made a capital investment of approximately £450,000 for bikes and bays. While the council drew no financial benefit from the scheme, the strategic decision had been made that it provided an accessible and sustainable means of transport for Watford.  The council’s subsidy would end after four years and the contract followed an extensive procurement exercise.


The Portfolio Holder underlined the strategic aims of the scheme and also highlighted the forthcoming Sustainable Transport Strategy which looked to address congestion.


Turning to the branding of the bikes, members asked why Watford Council logos were not part of the scheme. The bikes carried Beryl branding and a sponsorship deal with Camelot was also in place. It was suggested that the council could look to increase the branding on the bikes and the app.  Officers agreed to check whether the amount of the sponsorship could be disclosed.


It was noted that each bike had an individual tether which could look cluttered, officers agreed to take this feedback into consideration.  The Portfolio Holder added that the design of bays was under review with more tier 3 bays a possibility.


Turning to how the schemes operated elsewhere, the committee was advised that best practice in other areas was an important learning area. The redistribution of bikes following the increase in commuter use was a challenging issue under consideration.


In response to a question about e-scooters, the Portfolio Holder advised that he had no desire to pursue a similar scheme for Watford. Making Watford very cycle-friendly was a priority.  There were, however, ongoing conversations about cargo bikes for local businesses.


Officers noted that while conversations were ongoing with landlords of private land, such as supermarkets, it was easiest to locate stands on the highway working with Hertfordshire County Council and TfL.


The committee discussed the works on Clarendon Road and whether it could have included a cycle lane. It was noted that this topic had been discussed with bike user groups but other routes into the town centre had been identified.


There were a series of promotional activities planned around COP 26, Christmas and New Year resolutions to highlight the scheme.




that the report be noted.


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