Agenda item

Work Programme

The Scrutiny Committee is asked to review the current version of the work programme.



The Scrutiny Committee received a report of the Committee and Scrutiny Officer including the rolling work programme effective from June 2012.  The Committee and Scrutiny Officer advised that the work programme did not include the standard agenda items, for example 'Forward Plan', minutes from previous meetings including Task Groups and Panels or the work programme.


Councillor Rackett enquired about the scrutiny survey and whether it would be presented to Council.  He noted the number of items on the rolling work programme and questioned whether there were sufficient resources within Democratic Services.


The Committee and Scrutiny Officer informed the Scrutiny Committee that the data from the survey would be included as part of the Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 which would be presented to Council in July.  Part of the survey included a question asking whether there were any suggestions for changes to the scrutiny arrangements.  This information would be taken into account when the review of the current scrutiny arrangements took place later in the year.  If there were any amendments to the scrutiny procedures they would need to be considered by a committee.  The Committee and Scrutiny Officer advised that she was unsure of the exact procedure at this time.


With regard to resources the Committee and Scrutiny Officer explained that due to the workload the team had agreed it could manage two task groups at a time.  This was before the new Scrutiny Panel had been introduced.  There was currently one Task Group meeting and it was unlikely that another Task Group could be set up at the same time.  This arrangement was continually monitored and if it was felt that there was sufficient capacity for a second Task group Members would be informed. 


Councillor Rackett requested that the outcome of the review was presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in November prior to it being presented to Constitution Working Party or Council.


Councillor Bell commented that he would have preferred more Task Groups to be set up but acknowledged there was only a certain amount of resources available.


The Chair, Councillor Collett, said that scrutiny played a major part and was seen to be more important than before.  It was necessary to ensure that when Task Groups were set up they were seen to be good examples.


Following a question about the Waste and Recycling Task Group, the Committee and Scrutiny Officer stated that officers had contacted the Waste and Recycling Section Head to discuss setting up a meeting with the Task Group to explain the current position and whether there was still a role for the Task Group.


Councillor Hastrick advised that the review had been put on hold as a business plan was being drawn up.


Following a question about the political balance of Task Groups, the Committee and Scrutiny Officer explained that the new Outsourced Services Scrutiny Panel was a formal committee and therefore had to be politically balanced.  The Scrutiny Panel would have to meet the legal deadlines including the publication of agendas.  In contrast Task Groups were less formal and as agreed by Overview and Scrutiny Committee were not required to meet legal deadlines.  The dates were published on the Council's website once they had been agreed and the minutes were published once the review had been completed.  Task Groups did not have to be politically balanced.




that the latest version of the rolling work programme effective from 2012/13 be noted.


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