Agenda and minutes

Venue: Annexe, Watford

Contact: Ian Smith  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


There was a change of membership for this meeting: Councillor Johnson replaced Councillor Walford, and Councillor Grimston replaced Councillor Clarke-Taylor.


Apologies had been received from Councillors Khan and Stanton.



Disclosure of interests


There were no disclosures of interest.



The minutes of the meeting held on xxxxxxx to be submitted and signed.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2023 were agreed.


Financial Monitoring Report - Period 10 pdf icon PDF 556 KB

  • View the background to item 30.

Additional documents:


The scrutiny committee received the report of the Head of Finance, which set out the financial monitoring position for 2022/23 as at Period 10 (1 April to 31 January 2023).


The Head of Finance advised the committee that there was very little variance in this report, because variations are reported against the revised budget for 2022/23 set by Council at the end of January alongside the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).


There was a forecast underspend of £93,000, against the budget, but the bulk of that (£78,000) related to a change of use in the sustainability reserve, which would be moved into the next financial year, thus it should not be considered as a “real” underspend.   


There had also been an agreement at January’s Council meeting, for an additional members’ allowance.


The forecast capital spend of £46,018,000, was extremely close to the actual budget of £46,080,000.  However, the current position of around £25 million was some way behind that.  The Head of Finance drew the committee’s attention to that figure, as the likely actual spend would be around £35 million.  The Head of Finance explained there were several possible reasons for this, giving a £3 million underspend on the Strategic Finance Budget as one example. 


The committee were advised that this was all good news as any underspend would be carried forward to be used in the next year and they should expect to see several carry forward requests at the next meeting. 


The Head of Finance moved on to the pay award, explaining that the staff unions had rejected the pay offer of £1,925 from pay scale point 2 to 43 and 3.88% above that.  £1,925 was the equivalent of 3.88% at pay point 43, thus all staff would receive a minimum pay increase of 3.88%, with lower pay scales receiving more.  This was higher than the 3.5% recommended by the Treasury for other public sector staff.


It was likely that there would now be protracted pay negotiations so the effects on the budget would not be known until well into the new financial year.


The Head of Finance touched briefly upon vacancies, reporting that they were down.  She added that it was important to only report on real vacancies that were intended to be filled in the future and not temporary posts where staff leaving would not be replaced. 


The Chair thanked the Head of Finance and invited questions from the committee. 


In response to a question as to whether the reported underspends would impact service delivery, the Head of Finance explained that the underspends were in relation to the capital programme and were primarily due to delays in large projects such as Watford Business Park, waiting on decisions for the Environment Agency.  This was outside of the council’s direct control, although every effort was being made to progress these issues as quickly as possible. 


The Chair mentioned the capital programme and asked the Head of Finance for her thoughts on whether matters were stabilising after the uncertainty of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.