Agenda and minutes
Venue: West Herts Golf Club
Contact: Laura MacMillan Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence/committee membership Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Disclosure of interests Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest.
Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2021 to be submitted and signed.
Copies of the minutes of this meeting are usually available seven working days following the meeting.
(All minutes are available on the Council’s website.)
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2021 were agreed. |
The draft green fees for 2023 are attached.
Minutes: The General Manager, Jonathan Kaltner, informed the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) of the proposed green fee increase of just below 10% for 2023. This was due to the raised operational costs at West Herts, which had experienced higher staffing payments and energy costs. Therefore, a 10% green fee increase would be reasonable.
In answer to questions from the committee, Mr Kaltner explained that the weekday increase was £3 and the weekend was £4. The junior and student rate would not be increased as to encourage this age group. However, the golf club members' fees would also be raised to reflect the change in operational costs.
Councillor Grimston expressed concern that changes to the green fees could lead to less usage. Mr Fowle responded that even with the increase, West Herts was cheaper compared to local golf clubs at the same level, which generally charged £70 to £80. The golf clubs that West Herts benchmark themselves against were Moor Park, Sandy Lodge and Northwood. The committee requested comparison information to be collated by West Herts.
That the proposed green fee increases for 2023 outlined in the meeting papers be approved. |
Watford Resident usage figures PDF 88 KB A copy of the course usage is attached
Minutes: Mr Kaltner introduced the course usage figures for the previous 12 months and explained that there had been a return to pre-Covid levels. Watford residents in the last year had played 5,400 rounds. This was a significant increase in usage and a promising sign in light of the cost of living crisis. Mr Kaltner went on to provide an update on the online booking services at the golf club. New software had been purchased, and it was hoped the ability for non-members who were Watford residents would be able to book online shortly.
In response to a question from Councillor Grimston about the diversity of Watford residents who had played at the golf club, Mr Kaltner explained that this information was not captured by the club. However, there was information on the junior academy's diversity, which comprised 20% female and 24% ethnic minority. The academy had performed incredibly well, and former members had gone on to succeed in golf championships in the UK and America.
Course closures 2023 PDF 185 KB A copy of the planned course closures in 2023 is attached.
Minutes: Mr Kaltner informed the committee that the course closure dates for 2023 were the same as in the previous year.
The closure dates for 2023 were noted by the JCC; these included days when there would be restricted access to the course.
Any other business Minutes: Councillor Hofman raised the possibility of the Majors Golf Day to be held at West Herts next summer. In previous years it had been held at Rickmansworth and Batchwood to much success, and it was hoped West Herts would be able to host next. Mr Kaltner confirmed that West Herts would like to be involved and advised that a day should be booked as soon as possible, and the Sports and Physical Activity Development Manager would liaise with the golf club.
Action: Sports and Physical Activity Development Manager
Councillor Grimston asked for an update on the golf club's corporate responsibility policy. Mrs Turner responded that the corporate responsibility policy would be a special project next year. The golf club was active in fundraising for local charities such as the Peace Hospice and Signpost. There were a few key events each year that the Captain would raise money for local charities.
There was a discussion on trees, woodland management and the biodiversity of the golf course. Wildflowers had been introduced to the golf course bee-friendly plants. |