Agenda and minutes
Venue: West Herts Golf Club
Contact: Alan Garside / Ian Smith Email:
No. | Item | ||
Election of chair and apologies for absence Minutes: Jonathan Kaltner was elected Chair for the meeting.
Apologies for absence had not been received from Eric Woodward or Councillor Derek Scudder.
Disclosure of interests Minutes: There were none.
Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2018 to be submitted and signed.
Copies of the minutes of this meeting are usually available seven working days following the meeting.
(All minutes are available on the Council’s website.)
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2018 were agreed and signed. The Chair provided an update on the actions from the previous meeting. |
A copy of the course usage is attached. Minutes: The Chair introduced the course usage figures for the previous 12 months (to August 2019) and circulated a further document with a revised set of targets in respect of usage by Everyone Active pass holders. He explained how the new targets had been calculated and how these continued to apply to local Watford residents.
The Chair advised how seasonal changes and the weather impacted on course usage, and how a revised tee sheet system would help identify demand and inform associated marketing. The committee discussed the use of social media in this regard and how communication was carried out with club members.
There followed a discussion about membership monitoring carried out by the club and the response to an equalities questionnaire provided to members. Issues around black and minority ethnic group and female representation at the club were raised.
It was agreed the Head of Culture and Events, working with other council departments, would provide assistance to the club in exploring how to obtain further information on the characteristics of club members - and also assist to publicise the facilities and location of the golf club (such as an article in the ‘About Watford’ magazine) to encourage greater usage by all sections of the community.
Actions –
1. The Head of Culture and Events, or other appointed officer, to provide advice to the club in exploring how to obtain further information on the characteristics of the club’s membership. 2. The Head of Culture and Events, or other appointed officer, to link up the Golf Club Manager with the council’s communications team; to provide advice and support where possible and at no cost in publicising the facilities at and the location of the West Herts Golf Club to encourage greater usage by all sections of the community.
Agreed –
That the revised targets for usage by Everyone Active pass holders be approved. |
Course closures 2020 PDF 187 KB A copy of planned course closures in 2020 is attached. Minutes: The Chair advised that the course closure dates were similar year on year. The closure dates for 2020 were noted by the JCC; these included days when there would be restricted access to the course.
The committee discussed the joint club and council marketing strategy for special events and considered it may be helpful to have a promoting article in the ‘About Watford’ magazine each spring. It was agreed that details of the events should also be e-mailed to the council for onward transmission to councillors so they were able to advise constituents as appropriate.
There followed a discussion about the potential of holding a community open day, for Watford residents, at the club - to further promote the club facilities to all sections of the community. The JCC considered this a creditable proposal that should be further explored; and with a date to be arranged in 2020 if the open day was determined to be practicable.
Actions –
1. The club to e-mail Watford Borough Council details of the club’s special events being held during the year for onward transmission to councillors.
2. The club to explore the potential of holding a community open day in 2020 for Watford residents, subject to approval by the Club Board and Committee; to further promote the club facilities to all sections of the community.
The draft green fees for 2020 are attached. Minutes: The Chair reported the proposed green fee increases for 2020; with fees per round to be increased by £1 for visitors to the club. This represented a below inflation increase - and where rates for Watford residents (with identification) and non-Watford residents (with Everyone Active cards) had not risen in the past two years.
He explained how the proposed rise in fees had been calculated and how costs to the club had increased; such as in respect of staff overheads and utility prices. All club accounts were audited and available to the public, club members and to councillors. Club fees were at the lower end within a peer group of other associated golf clubs; and West Herts Golf Club presented a strong value proposition.
That the proposed green fee increases for 2020 outlined in the meeting papers be approved. |
Any other business Minutes:
Watford Borough Council and West Herts Golf Club Joint Consultative Committee
The meeting started at 5.15 pm and finished at 6.20 pm