Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: West Herts Golf Club

Contact: Ishbel Morren  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence/committee membership


There were no apologies for absence.


Disclosure of interests


There were none.



The minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2017 to be submitted and signed.



The minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2017 were agreed and signed.


Course usage update pdf icon PDF 44 KB

A copy of the course usage data is attached.


The General Manager introduced the course usage figures for the previous 12 months (to August 2018).  He highlighted the impact of the successful life style option on local membership numbers.  Player numbers had also been affected by external factors including, poor weather (in February/March) and the world cup (in June/July).


Following information about the club in the recent edition of About Watford, it was requested that advertising be placed in subsequent editions of the magazine, particularly in March/April 2019, to draw attention to the club’s twilight playing opportunities.  The Culture and Events Section Head agreed to discuss options with the council’s communications team.


Members of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) questioned the breakdown of figures between the different postcodes, some of which included both Watford and non-Watford residents.  It was agreed that it would be useful to understand more fully the number of Watford residents making use of the club.


There followed a discussion about the targets included in the course usage spreadsheet.  It was explained that these were historic and appeared to be based on assumptions which were no longer relevant.  The General Manager agreed to undertake a study of the targets against current trend figures (from circa 2010) and establish a new set of targets for the JCC to monitor.


Action –


1.      The Culture and Events Section Head to discuss options for advertising the club’s twilight playing opportunities with the council’s communications team.


2.      The General Manager to undertake a study of the targets against current trend figures (from circa 2010) and establish a new set of targets for the JCC to monitor.


Course closures 2019 pdf icon PDF 21 KB

A list of planned course closures in 2019 is attached.


The course closure dates, advising when special events would be taking place in 2019, were noted by the JCC.  These included days when there would be restricted access to the course.  The JCC agreed that the closure dates were within the terms of the Joint User Agreement.


It was agreed that the club and council should undertake a joint marketing strategy for the special events.  This should include the use of social media.  The Culture and Events Section Head agreed to co-ordinate a discussion with the council’s communications team to progress the joint marketing strategy.


Action –


1.      The Culture and Events Section Head to co-ordinate a discussion between the club and the council’s communications team to progress a joint marketing strategy for the club’s special events.



Green Fees 2019 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The draft green fees for 2019 are attached


The General Manager reported the proposed green fee increases for 2019, which incorporated slight increases for visitors to the club.  It was noted that there were no proposed increases in the rates for Watford residents (with identification) and non-Watford residents (with Everyone Active cards).  This followed more significant price revisions in 2017 to reflect changes in course usage, particularly on Fridays.




That the proposed green fee increases for 2019 outlined in the meeting papers be approved.



Changes to Joint User Agreement pdf icon PDF 50 KB

A report from the Culture and Events Section Head is attached along with the updated Joint User Agreement and the previous agreement from 1997 for reference purposes.


Additional documents:


The Culture and Events Section Head introduced the item, explaining the key changes to the existing Joint User Agreement which had been in place since 1997.  He reported that discussions between the club and the council had been extremely constructive, resulting in a more accessible and clear agreement relevant to the present day.


Attention was drawn to some of the specific changes to the agreement, dealing with all aspects of managing the club’s facilities, its players (both members and non-members), public access to the course, discipline, equalities and joint promotion.  The Culture and Events Section Head also outlined the main changes to the schedules at the end of the agreement.


Members of the JCC welcomed the new agreement, thanking the General Manager and the Culture and Events Section Head for their effective consultation on the proposed changes to the Joint User Agreement.


Agreed –


The JCC approves the revised Joint User Agreement, which will be passed to the club and the council for completion.  The Joint User Agreement to be monitored by members at the JCC’s annual meeting in the autumn.



Any other business


The following issues were raised under this item:


1.      John Baldwin advised that he was resigning from the JCC.  The Chair thanked Mr Baldwin for his long service and valuable contribution to the joint working between the club and JCC and wished him well for the future.


2.      Following well publicised reports about the injury of a spectator at the Ryder Cup in September 2018, Simon Fowle questioned what liability arrangements were in place for the club and council for events in Cassiobury Park which accessed golf course land e.g., running races.  The Culture and Events Section Head agreed to take this question back to the council and liaise with the club’s General Manager.


3.      Simon Fowle asked the Culture and Events Section Head if the council could assist with a golf club initiative to promote the health benefits of golf to local doctors surgeries and hospitals.  The Culture and Events Section Head agreed to discuss this proposal with the club outside the meeting.


Action –


1.      The Culture and Events Section Head to take advice on the liability arrangements for the club and council for events in Cassiobury Park which accessed golf course land e.g., running races.  He would liaise with the club’s General Manager on the outcome of his discussions.


2.      The Culture and Events Section Head to discuss with the golf club its initiative to promote the health benefits of golf to doctors surgeries and hospitals.