Agenda and minutes

Venue: West Herts Golf Club

Contact: Ishbel Morren  Email:

No. Item


Election of chair

To elect a chair for the meeting


David Rogers was elected chair for the meeting.


It was noted that Eric Woodward remained president of West Herts Golf Club and chair of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).




Apologies had been received from Councillor Dhindsa and Eric Woodward.


It was noted that the General Manager, Jonathan Kaltner, was on paternity leave.


Disclosure of Interests


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 59 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2016 to be submitted and signed.




The minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2016 were agreed and signed.


Course usage update pdf icon PDF 43 KB

A copy of the course usage data is attached.


David Rogers introduced the course usage figures for the previous 12 months.  This confirmed a growing trend towards adoption of the club’s ‘Lifestyle’ membership, which offered more flexible and affordable participation arrangements compared to a traditional club membership model.  As a consequence, the club had been able to retain healthy membership levels.  Total club membership stood at around 860. 


Club figures showed that some 70% of the Lifestyle players were from local postcodes WD17 and WD3.  The Chair advised that the number of Lifestyle members was being capped.


In response to a query from the JCC members, the Chair confirmed that there had been some minor tensions between different club memberships about access to the course at peak times, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.  However, more positively, the Lifestyle membership arrangement had enabled much better course usage at less popular times.  As a result, there had been an uplift in the total amount of golf played at the club.


The course usage data was noted.


Course closures 2018 pdf icon PDF 21 KB

A list of course closures in 2017 is attached.


The course closure dates, advising when special events would be taking place in 2018, were noted by the JCC.  These were within the terms of the Joint User Agreement.


Green fee rate 2018 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

The green fee rates for 2018 are attached.


The Chair reported the proposed green fee increases for 2018.  Following significant revisions to the fees for play on Fridays in 2017, it was proposed to keep these unchanged.  However the rates for play on Monday to Thursday and at weekends had been unchanged for a number of years and it was proposed that these should be increased.


JCC members were advised that the green fee rates offered to Watford residents remained competitive, when compared to other local golf clubs.  It was agreed that some general comparative data would be useful to members regarding green fee rates and that these should be compiled and circulated by the club’s general manager. 


In addition, clarification was sought on the visitors’ all day rate for play on Fridays.


Members of the JCC welcomed the continuation of current rates for junior players (on any day).




the proposed green fee increases for 2018.


Action –


1.      The General Manager should compile and circulate to JCC members some comparative data regarding green fee rates in other local golf club.


2.      The General Manager should clarify the visitors’ all day rate on a Friday.       


Booking schedule


Following earlier discussion of the booking schedule, the JCC agreed that changes to the Joint User Agreement should be continued.


Any other business


1.         Joint User Agreement – the Chair advised that the club would be writing to the council shortly with its proposals to review the Joint User Agreement.  It was suggested that an extra meeting of the JCC might be required in February or March to progress discussions.


2.         West Herts Golf Club rent review – the Chair, whilst acknowledging that this issue did not form part of the remit for the JCC, sought assistance in expediting discussions for the rent review.  It was noted that the rent was due for review with effect from 1 January 2017.