Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dickinson Room, Three Rivers House

Contact: Sandra Hancock 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence / Substitute Members





Disclosures of Interest

To receive any disclosures of interest.






To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Joint Shared Services Committee held on 17 December 2008.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Shared Services Committee held on 17 December 2008 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.



Notice of Other Business

To announce items of other business notified to the Secretary of the Joint Committee, together with the special circumstances which justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chairman to rule on the admission of such items. (Note: If other confidential business is approved under this item, it will also be necessary to specify the class of exempt or confidential information in the additional item(s)).


The Chairman ruled that as the following report had not been available for five clear days before the meeting it was of sufficient urgency to be considered by the Joint Committee for the reason indicated.


Agenda Item 6 - Performance Management


To enable a performance management system to be in place when Shared Services were implemented.



Implementation - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 117 KB

This report provides an overview of the implementation of shared services and gives an update on progress at Watford on the Council’s grading structure and pay modelling.  It sets out the proposals for implementing shared services prior to the resolution of these issues.



This report provided an overview of the implementation of shared services and gave an update on progress at Watford on that Council’s grading structure and pay modelling. It set out the proposals for implementing shared services prior to the resolution of these issues.


The Executive Director Better Council informed the Committee:


-        that the pay grading structure for Watford, Shared Services, and Three Rivers would be completed by June; extra resources had been brought in to deal with job evaluations in Watford;


-        that officers were working with SOLACE to recruit to the post of Head of Human Resources, there would be an open advert from 26 February and a Member Panel would  be convened.  The process for recruitment of Head of ICT had started as the existing post holder had only been appointed until April 2009;


-        work was on  target concerning  IT conductivity; a  radio link between the two Councils had been successfully  tested and the Servers  for Watford Borough Council  would be moved to the HCC Servers at Apsley;


-        there would be market testing for ICT technical infrastructure support with a report to the next meeting of the Committee.


In reply to questions from Members officers indicated:-


-        that the timetable for the implementation of the new payroll system was tight;


-        there were no changes to the budget proposed resulting from delays in implementing the Shared Services;


-        the co-location of services was dependant on Thrive Homes vacating their office space in Three Rivers House.  The Director of Corporate Resources and Governance stated that he had not yet received a formal notification of Thrive Homes moving;


-        the tenders received for the new Financial Management System were within budget;


-        project teams had been set up to implement the new IT systems required by Shared Services, with ultimate  responsibility for implementation resting with the Directors responsible for the Shared Service project.




that the progress made towards implementing shared services be noted.



Performance Management pdf icon PDF 46 KB

This report makes proposals for managing the performance of the shared services.

Additional documents:


This report made proposals for managing the performance of the shared services.




that the arrangements for performance management be approved.



Dates of Future Meetings


It was noted that the meetings of the Joint Committee had been scheduled as follows:


Monday          20 April 2009

Monday          22 June 2009

Monday          14 September 2009

Monday          9 November 2009

Monday          11 January 2010

Monday          1 March 2010