Agenda and minutes
Venue: Annexe, Town Hall, Watford
Contact: Sandra Hancock Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence/Committee Membership Minutes: There were two changes of membership for this meeting: Councillor Allen-Williamson replaced Councillor Rodrigues and Councillor Jeffree replaced Councillor Stiff.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ezeifedi, Feldman and Turmaine.
Disclosure of interests (if any) Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest.
Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2022 to be submitted and signed. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2022 were submitted and signed.
Other scrutiny meetings - minutes The following scrutiny committees and task groups have met since the last meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Committee
· 21 November 2022 – Finance Scrutiny Committee Minutes: The committee noted that Finance Scrutiny Committee had met on 21 November and the minutes were published on the council’s website. In the absence of Councillor Turmaine, Councillor Kloss, the Vice Chair, advised that the scrutiny committee had received the latest Finance Monitoring report and then had presentations on Property Investment Board and Croxley Park. The information had been exempt from publication due to the commercial sensitivity of the content.
that the update be noted.
of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Service, EPMO
Coordinator, Executive Head of Human Resources and Business
Intelligence Manager. Additional documents:
Minutes: The scrutiny committee received the report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, Executive Head of Human Resources and Business Intelligence Manager which comprised updates on the council’s Delivery Plan, Organisational Development Strategy and key performance indicators.
Council Delivery Plan 2022-24
The Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services provided highlights from the report. He advised members that in the first quarter update many items were at the planning stage. During quarter 2 many activities had commenced.
Councillor Martins referred to Market Lates. He said that he had attended many of the events and there was a mixed response; some were very successful. He asked if officers could advise about the marketing of the Market Lates events and who decided on their content. He felt it was a great concept but wondered how they could be consistently great.
The Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Service responded that the designated market team worked with the operator to ensure the events were advertised. The operator contract was due for re-procurement shortly. The need to diversify the market offer would be included in the specification. Current marketing included posters and social media advertising campaigns.
Councillor Martins suggested it may be a good opportunity to involve community groups in the events. He was aware the Rotary Club had taken part on one occasion. They were keen to be more involved.
The Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services thanked the councillor and said the team worked with local musicians and traders. He acknowledged the opportunity to work more with the community and voluntary sector.
Councillor Ahmed referred to the night-time economy and the proposed closure of the large night club in the town centre. Businesses and taxi drivers had contacted him as they were concerned about the impact on other businesses. He asked if the council had any strategy if a big business were to close.
The Associate Director of Planning, Infrastructure and Economy explained that the business was a private company, and the council had no jurisdiction. The final part of the Town Centre framework, how the council could support the town centre in the future, had just been completed. The council had consulted local businesses and the BID. The responses were in the process of being collated and a report would be presented to Cabinet in the New Year.
Organisational Development Strategy 2022-24
The scrutiny committee was then provided with the highlights from the Organisational Development Strategy.
The Chair asked how the role of mental health first aiders worked in an agile environment, particularly for those mainly working from home.
The Interim Executive Head of Human Resources advised that managers would be able to pick up signs through one to ones, even when held online. Everyone was encouraged to have their video turned on when meeting remotely. He added that when the Organisational Development Strategy was to be reviewed it would factor in agile working.
In response to a question from Councillor Allen-Williamson about a Menopause Champion, the Interim ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
Call-in To consider any executive decisions which have been called in by the requisite number of councillors. Minutes: The committee noted that no key decisions had been called in.
Executive Decision Progress Report PDF 408 KB The Scrutiny Committee is asked to review the latest edition of the Executive Decision Progress Report and consider whether any further information is required.
Minutes: The scrutiny committee was invited to review the current Executive Decision Progress Report for 2022/23 and consider whether any further information was required.
that the current 2022/23 Executive Decision Progress report be noted.
Hertfordshire County Council's Health Scrutiny Committee Councillor Osborn, the Council’s appointed representative to the County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee to provide an update on the meeting on 2 December 2022.
Minutes: The Chair informed the committee that the Health Scrutiny Committee had met on 2 December. The Chair of the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care System had attended the committee, who gave an update on essential improvements. It was necessary to make sure that all parts of the care system were talking to each other. |
The scrutiny committee is asked to review the current version of the work programme and consider any additional areas councillors wish to scrutinise. Minutes: The committee reviewed the latest version of the work programme.
that the work programme be noted.
Date of Next Meeting · Wednesday 1 February 2023 Minutes: The next meeting would take place on Wednesday 1 February 2023.