Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Rooms 201/202, Annexe, Town Hall, Watford
Contact: Sandra Hancock Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Disclosure of interests (if any) Minutes: At the start of minute number 11, Councillor Bell declared that as his daughter was employed at Croxley Business Park, he had a registerable interest in the item and therefore would retire from the meeting.
Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2024 to be submitted and signed. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2024 were submitted and signed.
Conduct of meeting The Cabinet may wish to consider whether there are any items on which there is general agreement which could be considered now, to enable discussion to focus on those items where the Cabinet sees a need for further debate. Minutes: The Mayor advised that with regards to item 9 on the agenda, Fortnightly recycling proposals and supporting policy, following the publication of the report, the Parliamentary Election had been announced. The pre-election guidance had since been published relating to the upcoming election. Following a review of the guidance and following advice from officers, it was with reluctance that it was necessary to defer the discussion and decision in relation to this matter to the next Cabinet meeting which was scheduled for after the election.
Appointment to Watford Health Campus LLP Operations Board PDF 357 KB Report of the Monitoring Officer Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Monitoring Officer requesting the appointment of Paul Brooks, Head of Property, to the Operations Board of the Watford Health Campus Partnership LLP with immediate effect.
Resolved –
That Paul Brooks, Head of Property, be appointed to the Operations Board of the Watford Health Campus Partnership LLP with immediate effect.
Performance and Progress Report Q4 2023/24 PDF 827 KB Report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, Delivery Support Lead and Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services, Intelligence, Performance and Improvement Lead and Delivery Support Lead, which provided the quarterly updates to the Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2022-2024, external key performance indicators and key corporate strategies.
The Mayor referred to some of the highlights contained in the report including the external funding secured to support the delivery of the Cassiobury Wetlands project, the outstanding work undertaken by the Housing team in difficult circumstances and the reduction in the number of verified rough sleepers.
Councillor Rodrigues gave his thanks to the officers who had produced the detailed report. It covered all aspects of the council and its work. He informed Cabinet that officers were in the process of reviewing the key performance indicator targets and would discuss them with their relevant portfolio holder. The new targets would be introduced for the next report which would cover Quarter 1 of the 2024/25 financial year.
Resolved –
1. that Cabinet notes the progress updates within the report relating to:
• The Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2022-24 • The external key performance indicator results for Quarter 3 of 2023/24 • The council’s key corporate strategies
2. that Cabinet notes the report will be presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in June 2024.
Delivery Plan 2024-26 PDF 643 KB Report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services which included the new Delivery Plan covering the period 2024 to 2026.
The Mayor introduced the report and commented that a great deal of work had been put in to producing the latest Delivery Plan. It included a number of important projects that would be progressed over the next two year. He referred to the successful peer challenge that had taken place in 2023 and that the recommendations had been woven into the council’s strategic planning.
Councillor Pattinson stated that she wished to congratulate the Housing team in the delivery of new projects under extremely challenging times.
Resolved –
1. that the Delivery Plan 2024-26 be approved.
2. that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Elected Mayor, be authorised to make minor amendments to the Delivery Plan 2024-26.
3. that progress against the Delivery Plan 2024-26 will be reported on a quarterly basis to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code PDF 660 KB Report of the Customer Experience Lead
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Associate Director of Customer and Corporate Services which sought approval for the draft Complaints Policy.
The Mayor invited Councillor Rodrigues to introduce the report.
Councillor Rodrigues informed members that an updated complaints handling code had been issued by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. Officers reviewed the new code and had identified some minor changes were required, predominantly related to complaints involving the outsourced services. He noted that few complaints were submitted to the Ombudsman and even fewer were upheld. He outlined the proposed changes as set out in the officer’s report. He then advised members that officers had identified three options for the management of complaints related to contracted services. It was recommended that the third option be approved by Cabinet. He finished by explaining that complaints about a shared service would be managed by the council directly delivering the service.
In response to a question from the Mayor about the recommended option, the Associate Director for Customer and Corporate Services explained that this was the main change to the council’s existing policy. The current arrangement required the customer to exhaust the contracted service’s complaints process and then to start at stage one of the council’s process. The new arrangement combined the previous processes and it would therefore not take as long. It provided a balanced response. He added that officers had engaged with the outsourced service providers and, subject to approval of the policy, would work with them to develop a suitable solution. The policy did not have to be updated until April 2026 and so there was still some time before the new complaints process had to be implemented, which would include an update to the system which tracked and managed complaints.
Following a question from Councillor Williams, the Associate Director advised that as part of the annual complaints report, officers would be able to review complaints and react as required. This had also been introduced in the new code but was something the council already carried out.
Councillor Bell commented that many residents did not know who to contact to if they wished to make a complaint and he hoped this would be clearer. He felt that it was sensible if most local authorities had the same process, particularly for contracted services.
The Associate Director assured members that officers would review complaints from the first point of contact and ensure customers were signposted to the relevant organisation. This formed part of the council’s continuous improvement and being able to react as required.
Following Councillor Pattinson’s question about reviewing the chosen process and available resources, the Associate Director explained that in recommending option three officers had reviewed the resources available. He added that regular meetings would be held with the outsourced services and if required the process would be changed following reviews.
Resolved –
1. that the new Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code and the following amendments to our existing complaints policy to ensure compliance with ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Fortnightly recycling proposal and supporting policy PDF 858 KB Report of the Service Delivery Leads, Waste and Recycling Additional documents:
Minutes: As the Mayor report in minute number 4, this report would be deferred to the following Cabinet, which would take place after the Parliamentary Election.
Report of the Executive Head of HR and OD Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Executive Head of HR and Organisational Development which introduced the People Strategy 2024-2027 and its Delivery Plan.
The Mayor invited Councillor Rodrigues to introduce the report.
Councillor Rodrigues stated that the council was an agile and dynamic organisation. The strategy set out how the council would attract and retain employees. It would ensure people felt supported. It promoted a respectful and inclusive environment. In its development officers had collaborated with the Staff Ambassador group, Unison and other key staff groups. It was an ambitions strategy.
The Mayor thanked the officers for their work in the development of the strategy. He asked officers how the implementation would be monitored.
Councillor Bell commented that the strategy seemed great but it would be necessary to see what happened over the next few years.
The HR Business Partner informed Cabinet that officers would report back to the Corporate Management Team on a regular basis.
The Chief Executive added that the performance monitoring information would be reported to Cabinet as part of the quarterly performance management report.
Councillor Pattinson noted that much of the equalities data was over two years old. She asked whether it was possible to get more up to date information.
The Chief Executive explained that the report had been compiled by the Executive Head of HR and Organisation Development, who currently was not available. Officers were trying to collect a better-quality dataset. She advised that officers would take away the request and provide further information to the members present.
Councillor Dychton commented that the strategy was a great investment for the future.
Resolved –
That the people Strategy 2024-27 and associated Delivery Plan be approved. |
Councillor Bell left the meeting |
Tender Evaluation and Recommendation - Property Management for Croxley Park PDF 482 KB
Report of the Associate Director of Property and Asset Management
Please note the appendices are considered to be exempt in accordance with Paragraph 3, Part 1 Schedule 12A as they contain commercially sensitive information.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved –
1. that the recommendation as contained in the exempt report, noting that the information is not publicly available until the standstill period has completed, be approved.
2. that the council’s governance and call-in period be completed as soon as possible to allow the standstill period to be completed and allow the final contracts to be agreed. Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Associate Director of Property and Asset Management which asked members to approve the recommended provider as outlined in the exempt report. It was noted that the information regarding the procurement process and the outcomes were exempt from publication until the required standstill period had passed.
The Mayor invited Councillor Rodrigues to introduce the report.
Councillor Rodrigues informed members that following the council acquiring Croxley Park an external management company had been appointed to manage the site on behalf of the council. The current contract was due to expire on 26 July. He noted that if the Cabinet decision had been delayed until the next meeting on 8 July there would potentially be a delay in awarding the contract.
Following a question from the Mayor about the timeline of the decision, the Associate Director of Property and Asset Management explained that originally officers were looking at an alternative method of procuring the contract, but this had been considered inappropriate. It had therefore been necessary to get through the open tender process. He confirmed that in the future officers would use the current approach but would build in longer timescales.
Resolved –
1. that the recommendation as contained in the exempt report, noting that the information is not publicly available until the standstill period has completed, be approved.
2. that the council’s governance and call-in period be completed as soon as possible to allow the standstill period to be completed and allow the final contracts to be agreed.