Decision details

Financial Outturn 2019/20

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This report informs Cabinet of the revenue and capital outturns for the financial year 2019/20.


Cabinet received a report of the Director of Finance which provided the revenue and capital outturns for the 2019/20 financial year.


Councillor Watkin introduced the report.  He highlighted some of the key elements of the report, including the overall underspend, further sum added to the economic reserve and the carry forward for the capital budget which would be rephrased in 2020/21.


The Director of Finance added that services had been challenged about any carry forwards by the Senior Leadership Team and had been reduced from the original proposals.  Some had been required due to the pressures from Covid-19.


Councillor Turmaine confirmed that Finance Scrutiny Committee had received the report.  It was important that the scrutiny committee monitored the rephasing.




1.         that the 2019/20 revenue outturn, as shown in Annex A, and the year end position, which includes requests to carry forward budgets into 2020/21 be noted.


2.         that the 2019/20 budget carry forwards into 2020/21, as recommended by the Strategic Leadership Team totalling £0.724 million, be approved.


3.         that the 2019/20 capital outturn as shown in Annex A and to confirm the net rephasing of £20.220 million into 2020/21 and future years be noted.

Report author: Nigel Pollard

Publication date: 14/07/2020

Date of decision: 06/07/2020

Decided at meeting: 06/07/2020 - Cabinet

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