Decision details

Update to the Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Cabinet received a report of the Energy and Renewal Surveyor.

Councillor Collett introduced the report and explained that it was seeking approval for an update to the Private Sector Housing Renewal policy.  The policy incorporated information from research carried out by the Building Research Establishment (BRE).  With data received from BRE it would be possible for the council to bid for new projects to enhance some of those already done e.g., Boundary Way insulation installation.  The policy had been brought up to date with more current information and would target vulnerable people and disadvantaged communities.  Councillor Collett praised the officers involved for their great work. 


Councillor Johnson commented that it was important to use the report productively and suggested inviting ward councillors to discuss individual wards.  The report also highlighted that 28% of properties in the town were now private sector rented which was an increased proportion. 


Following a question from the Mayor, the Head of Housing explained that there was a landlords’ forum and a database.  The Mayor also suggested finding private sector rental residents who would be willing to be consulted by the council. 


The Head of Environmental Health and Licensing stated that a new Environmental Crime Officer had started and would be working with Veolia to tackle hotspots.  There would be regular walk-throughs and pro-active work.  Following questions regarding Watford Community Housing (WCH) the Head of Environmental Health and Licensing explained that whilst WCH had a contract with Veolia they did not have enforcement powers, however, they were able to use their tenancy powers and the council was working with them on this.


The Head of Housing commented that the report had highlighted private sector rented accommodation was the biggest growth area which was a national issue as the amount of social housing had declined.




            That Cabinet:

1.     Approves the new policy for publication and implementation from 1 April 2018.  Note that the changes to the Policy do not apply retrospectively to any applicants currently progressing through the grant/loan process.

2.     Approves the delegation to the Head of Community and Environmental Services to take decisions in relation to changes in government policy and definitions.  This enables the policy to stay aligned with any changes to the Affordable Warmth group, Housing Benefit and Watford’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme definitions, subject to these changes still delivering the principles and aims of the policy.  To be clear this delegation does not allow for changes in provision/services.


Report author: Neil Walker

Publication date: 12/03/2018

Date of decision: 05/03/2018

Decided at meeting: 05/03/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 14/03/2018

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