Decision details

Local Government Association - Corporate Peer Challenge Feedback report and action plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet received a report of the Chief Executive which included the Corporate Peer Challenge feedback report and the council’s action plan.


The Mayor thanked all those who had been involved in the Peer Challenge review, those within the council, those from outside and the LGA Peer Challenge team.  He was pleased how the Peer Challenge review had proceeded.  It had highlighted many of the council’s strengths.  He referred members to paragraph 1.4 of the report which included an extract from the Peer Challenge report.  The Peer Challenge team had submitted seven recommendations within their report which the council fully accepted.  He added that work had already been started to implement the recommendations.  He invited the Chief Executive to add any further comments.


The Chief Executive commented how proud everyone was of the outcome and the positives identified within the report.  A lot had been achieved together which had been identified by the Peer Challenge team.  They had recognised the council’s transformation since the last Peer Challenge review in 2017, which had been driven by a strong leadership and ‘can do’ attitude.   There was a strong focus on place, not just locally, but also regionally and nationally.  There was a strong record of financial stewardship which was important in the current financial context.  There was a clear understanding of the council’s financial position and clear plans in place to address some of the challenges.


The Chief Executive informed members that the Peer Challenge report and action plan would be placed on the council’s website.  It would also be available on the LGA’s website to enable others in the local government community to learn from the council’s example.  She added that the council was already progressing the actions set out in the action plan.  The Peer Challenge team would return in the autumn to review the council’s progress with the recommendations.


Councillor Stotesbury noted the Peer Challenge team’s comments about the council’s relationships with groups and stakeholders across the town.  He thanked the staff and also those from outside the council who had supported the peer review.  The feedback had been welcomed.


Councillor Watkin remarked that the report referred to the council having strong controls over its finances but had identified that there were a few things that could be changed.  He referred to the appointment of an Independent Person to the Audit Committee, which was in progress.  Another recommendation had been the inclusion of the Finance Monitoring report at Cabinet, which was on the agenda for this meeting.  Although, he noted that Portfolio Holders did have regular meetings with the council’s leadership team to monitor the budget; by bringing it to Cabinet provided a formal review.


The Mayor thanked everyone for their comments.




1.         that Cabinet notes Watford Borough Council’s LGA Corporate Peer Challenge final report (Appendix A) and that this is now published on the council’s website.


2.         that the Corporate Peer Challenge team’s findings and the seven recommendations be noted.


3.         that Watford Borough Council’s Corporate Peer Challenge action plan that addresses the team’s recommendations be approved and that this will also be published on the council’s website. 


4.         that Cabinet notes the Corporate Peer Challenge team (lead member, Chief Executive and LGA lead) will undertake a return visit to Watford to assess progress.  This is currently planned for autumn 2024. 


Report author: Kathryn Robson, Donna Nolan

Publication date: 24/01/2024

Date of decision: 15/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/01/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: