Decision details

Focusing on Delivery: Performance and Progress

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Council Delivery Plan 2022-24 Quarter 2 Update, Organisational Development Strategy 20202-24 Quarter 2 Update and Council Performance 2022-23 Quarter 2 Update


Cabinet received a report setting out updates for the Council Plan 2022-26, Delivery Plan 2022-24, the Organisational Development Strategy 2020-24 and key performance indicators.


The Mayor introduced the report.  He referred members to the appendices which included the Delivery Plan, Organisational Development Strategy and key performance indicators.  The report contained some of the key highlights including:


·        Delivering the Local Plan, which was an incredible achievement.

·        The decarbonisation works which were underway on the Town Hall and Colosseum.


The Mayor invited the Chief Executive to provide further information.


The Chair Executive added that following the grant received towards the decarbonisation works at the Town Hall and the Colosseum, the council had applied for further funding to support decarbonisation works to other community buildings.  Other highlights included:


·        Market Lates, which was attracting more people to the town.

·        Meriden Park improvements had commenced.

·        White Ribbon accreditation had been achieved by the council.

·        Building Control and Planning Enforcement Shared Services with St Albans City and District Council had begun with Legal to follow in 2023.

·        Two new corporate apprentices had started with the council

·        Six health and wellbeing workshops had taken place with more planned, including menopause awareness.


Councillor Watkin, Portfolio Holder responsible for Human Resources, commented that the Organisational Development Strategy was important for the organisation.  He noted that the new values and behaviours had been developed with and agreed by the staff.  The strategy made sure that the council was working together for a common purpose.


Councillor Stotesbury highlighted that the Sustainability and Biodiversity strategies were currently out for public consultation.  He encouraged everyone to look at the proposals and provide feedback.


The Mayor noted that the report and its appendices would be presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in December.




1.      that Cabinet notes the progress updates within the report relating to:

·        the Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2022-24 (appendix A)

·        the Organisational Development Strategy 2020-24 (Appendix B)

·        the key performance indicator results for Quarter 2 of 2022/23 (Appendix C).


2.      that Cabinet notes the key performance indicators and measures will continue to be reviewed as part of the council-wide service planning process and the ongoing work on the Business Intelligence Strategy.


3.      that Cabinet notes the report will be presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in December 2022.


Report author: Liam Hornsby

Publication date: 06/12/2022

Date of decision: 28/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 28/11/2022 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: