Agenda item

Agenda item

18/00163/FULM 8-12 Chalk Hill

Redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use scheme including 151 residential units, retail units and/or community floor space, with associated cycle parking, car parking, landscaping and public realm improvements


The committee received the report of the Head of Development Management, including the relevant planning history of the site and details of the responses to the application. 


The Development Management Team Leader (HN) explained that the application was for the redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use scheme including 151 residential units, retail units and/or community floor space, with associated cycle parking, car parking, landscaping and public realm improvements.


Attention was drawn to the update sheet which included minor amendments to the report and to the recommendations.


It was noted that members of the committee had undertaken a site visit prior to the committee meeting.


The Chair invited Peter Jeffery, JLL, to speak for the application.  In view of the lack of opposition speakers, Mr Jeffery declined to speak to the committee.


The Chair invited comments from the committee.


Members of the committee welcomed the redevelopment of the site, which would boost the supply of housing in the local area.


The Chair moved the officer’s recommendation subject to the successful completion of a section 106 agreement.




That, pursuant to a planning obligation under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 having been completed to secure the following Heads of Terms, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions listed below:


Section 106 Heads of Terms


i)          To secure financial contribution for:


          A contribution of £30,000 + VAT, for the provision of car club on-site and covering three years member ship for each resident with £50 driver credit.

          A contribution of £16,000 towards improvement to two nearby bus stop to be equipped with “Real Time Information Display Screen”.

          Funding for a traffic regulation order for CPZ and to agree that the future residents of the development cannot obtain permits for the new CPZ, if it were to be implemented.

          Cost of monitoring travel plan to the sum of £6,000.


ii)         That of total of 151 units to be constructed within the development, 17% i.e. 26 units shall be affordable housing units provided as follows:


·                    18 shall be affordable rented housing units comprising four (6) one-bedroom units and twelve (12) two-bedroom units;

·                    5 shall be social rented housing units comprising two (2) two-bedroom units and three (3) three bedroom units;

·                    3 shall be intermediate tenure housing units one (1) being one-bedroom units and two (2) two bedroom units.

·                    A review mechanism of the viability of the development to be undertaken towards the end of the project when actual build costs and sales values of the flats are known. This shall allow financial payment to be made towards affordable housing provision where the viability of the development can be shown to have improved to provide a financial surplus.


iii)        To secure highways improvement including the widening of the pavement along Chalk Hill as well as the shared vehicle and pedestrian and cycle routes along the railway line and a stage II safety audit of any highway works.




1.         No development whatsoever shall take place until the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (to be confirmed in writing) that they have gained appropriate ownership/rights/easements to:


a)         Utilise the access road to the west of the site for access and servicing of the development (both during construction and for the life of the development)

b)         To landscape the area to the south west of the site for public use and to enable pedestrian access to the residential entrances of the development in accordance with the approved plans and maintain it as such for the life of the development.


2.         The development to which this permission relates shall be begun within period of three years commencing on the date of this permission.


3.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:-


Design and Access Statement revision: 1 date: 08/06/18

PL_001 Site Location Plan revision: 2

PL_009 Site Plan as Existing revision: 2

PL_010 Site Plan as Proposed revision: 2

PL_099 Lower Ground Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_100 Upper Ground Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_101 1st Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_102 2nd Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_103 3rd Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_104 4th Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_105 5th Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_106 6th Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_107 7th Floor Plan revision: 2

PL_108 Roof Plan revision: 2

PL_201 Sections revision: 2

PL_301 Site Street Elevations revision: 2

PL_302 North West & South East Garden Elevations revision: 2

PL_303 North West & South East Street Elevations revision: 2

PL_401 Façade Details revision: 2

PL_501 Apartment Layouts Upper Ground Building A Apt Type A1, C1, C2 revision: 2

PL_502 Apartment Layouts Upper Ground Building B Apt Type A2, A4, A14, A12, B11 revision: 2

PL_503 Apartment Layouts Upper Ground Building C Apt Type A13, B2, B3 revision: 2

PL_506 Apartment Layouts Upper Ground Building E Apt Type A5, A7, A9, B5 revision: 2

PL_507 Apartment Layouts Upper Ground Building F Apt Type A5, A7, A10, B4 revision: 2

PL_508 Apartment Layouts 1st Floor Building A&C Apt Type A6, B6, B7 revision: 2

PL_509 Apartment Layouts 1st Floor Building B Apt Type A2, A3, B8 revision: 2

PL_511 Apartment Layouts 1st Floor Building D&F Apt Type A7, A8, B5 revision: 2

PL_512 Apartment Layouts 1st Floor Building E Apt Type A7, A8, B5 revision: 2

PL_513 Apartment Layouts 2nd Floor Building A&C Apt Type A6, B3, B9 revision: 2

PL_514 Apartment Layouts 2nd Floor Building B Apt Type A2, A3, B1 revision: 2

PL_515 Apartment Layouts 2nd Floor Building D&F Apt Type A7, A8, B4 revision: 2

PL_516 Apartment Layouts 2nd Floor Building E Apt Type A7, A8, B5 revision: 2

PL_517 Apartment Layouts 3rd Floor Building A&C Apt Type A11, C3 revision: 2

PL_518 Apartment Layouts 5th 6th 7th Floor Building D&E&F Apt Type A7, B10, C4 revision: 2

PL_519 1 Bed Wheelchair Adaptable Apartment revision: 2

PL_520 2 Bed Wheelchair Adaptable Apartment revision: 2


4.         No construction works shall commence until a detailed noise mitigation scheme for the proposed flats (to include acoustic glazing, acoustic trickle vents and mechanical purge ventilation), to protect the future occupiers from noise from rail traffic on the adjacent railway line and the plant and equipment associated with the adjacent Holiday Inn Express and Egale office building, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall achieve the internal noise levels for individual rooms as set out in British Standard 8233: 2014.


5.         No construction works shall commence until full details and samples of the materials to be used for the external surfaces of the building (including walls, roofs, windows, doors and balconies) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


6.         No construction works shall commence until details of the window reveals for flats have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be implemented in accordance with the approved materials.


7.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved surface water drainage assessment and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA:


i)          Limiting the surface water run-off generated by the critical storm events so that it will not exceed the surface water run-off rate of 10.6 l/s during the 1 in 100 year event plus 40% of climate change event.


ii)         Providing storage to ensure no increase in surface water run-off volumes for all rainfall events up to and including the 1 in 100 year + climate change event providing a minimum of 29.1 m3 (or such storage volume agreed with the LLFA) of total storage volume in underground attenuation tanks.


iii)        Discharge of surface water from the private drain into the Thames Water sewer network.


            The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and subsequently in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.


8.         No development shall take place until a detailed surface water drainage scheme for the site based on the approved Drainage Strategy and sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The drainage strategy should demonstrate the surface water run-off generated up to and including 1 in 100 year + climate change critical storm will not exceed the run-off from the undeveloped site following the corresponding rainfall event. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed.


i)          Detailed, updated modelling for up to and including the 1 in 100 year rainfall event including climate change allowance to accommodate the latest changes of drainage layout.

ii)         Detailed engineered drawings of the proposed SuDS features including their size, volume, depth and any inlet and outlet features including any connecting pipe runs.

iii)        Final detailed management plan to include arrangements for adoption and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime.


9.         No impact piling shall take place until a piling method statement (detailing the depth and type of piling to be undertaken and the methodology by which such piling will be carried out, including measures to prevent and minimise the potential for damage to subsurface sewerage infrastructure, and the programme for the works) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Any piling must be undertaken in accordance with the terms of the approved piling method statement.


10.       If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development shall be carried out until the developer has submitted to, and obtained written approval from, the Local Planning Authority for a remediation strategy detailing how this unsuspected contamination is to be dealt with. All works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


11.       No part of the development shall be occupied until the refuse and recycling store to serve the development, as shown on the approved drawings, has been constructed and made available for use. This facility shall be retained as approved at all times.


12.       No part of the development shall be occupied until a detailed soft landscaping scheme for all the land within the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out not later than the first available planting and seeding season after completion of development. Any trees or plants whether new or existing which within a period of five years die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, or in accordance with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


13.       No part of the development shall be occupied until a detailed hard landscaping scheme for all the land within the site, including details of all site boundary treatments, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved details.


14.       The development shall not be occupied until a detailed Travel Plan, based upon the Hertfordshire County Council document 'Hertfordshire Green Travel Plan Guidance’, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


15.       No dwelling shall be occupied until details of a communal terrestrial television aerial(s) and satellite dish(es) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


16.       For the avoidance of doubt, no communications development permitted by Class B or Class C of Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 shall be undertaken on the building.


17.       No plant or equipment shall be sited on the external elevations of the buildings unless details of the plant or equipment have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include size, appearance, siting and technical specifications relating to noise.


18.       No demolition or development shall commence within the site until a detailed tree protection plan (showing all trees and hedges to be retained, the siting and type of protective fencing and the use and type of no-dig construction methods where appropriate) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and all tree protection measures have been installed as approved. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details and all protective fencing shall be retained throughout the construction period.


19.       No development shall commence within the site until details of the routing of all below ground services and cabling (electricity, gas, telephone, foul water, surface water, etc), including any temporary connections for site huts, showing depth, width and routing of all trenches, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


20.       No trees, scrub or hedges on the site shall be lopped, topped, felled, grubbed up or otherwise removed from the site between 1st March and 31st August in any year unless a suitably qualified ecologist has previously surveyed the trees, scrub or hedges and certified in writing to the Local Planning Authority that such works of removal are unlikely to harm any protected species.


21.       All windows directly facing Chalk Hill and the railway viaduct to the west shall be non-opening and shall be retained as such at all times, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


22.       No development shall commence until the specification of a mechanical air supply/extract system for each of the residential dwellings with windows directly facing Chalk Hill and the railway viaduct to the west has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The system must be capable of providing background and rapid ventilation for cooling with the windows of the respective dwellings facing Chalk Hill and the railway viaduct being non-opening. The air delivered to the occupiers of the residential units through this system should have an annual mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration of 40ug/m3 or less.  The system must not compromise the sound insulation of the façades. Details of the siting of any air intake; extraction units; generators and other mechanical equipment serving this system that are likely to give rise to noise should be submitted, along with details of noise attenuation measures to be incorporated to ensure these units do not give rise to a noise nuisance.  No dwelling shall be occupied until the approved mitigation measures have been installed in full, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


23.       No development shall commence until a noise mitigation scheme for the proposed residential dwellings facing Chalk Hill and the railway viaduct to the west, to achieve the recommended interior noise levels in BS 8233:2014, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include the details and specifications of the sound reduction performance of all glazed and non-glazed elements of the building facades. No dwelling shall be occupied until the approved mitigation measures have been installed in full, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


24.       No part of the development shall be occupied until details of an external lighting scheme for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved has been installed.


25.       The approved soft landscaping scheme shall be carried out as approved not later than the first available planting and seeding season after completion of each phase of the development.  Any trees or plants whether new or existing which within a period of five years die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, or in accordance with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


26.       Notwithstanding the information already submitted, no construction of the approved buildings shall commence until detailed plans showing the existing and new or altered ground levels within the site and the floor levels of all the proposed buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out only in accordance with the details approved under this condition.


27.       No dwelling shall be occupied until a detailed scheme showing the provision of fire hydrants serving the development (as incorporated into the provision of the mains water services for the development whether by means of existing water services or new mains or extension to or diversion of existing services or apparatus) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved fire hydrant provision shall be installed and made available for use prior to the first occupation of any dwelling forming part of the development and shall be maintained as such thereafter.


28.       No dwelling shall be occupied until a detailed scheme showing the citing and the detail of a “City Tree” to improve the air quality of the area has been provided and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved “City Tree” shall be installed and be operation prior to the first occupation of any dwelling forming part of the development and shall be maintained as such thereafter.


29.       No above ground construction may commence until a scheme for active and passive electric charging points for on-site vehicles has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The electric charging infrastructure and charging points shall be installed in accordance with the approved scheme prior to the first occupation of the development.


30.       Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted (or Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted) the proposed access /on-site car parking shall be laid out, demarcated, levelled, surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved plan and retained thereafter available for that specific use.


31.       Prior to first occupation of the development, a Car Parking Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. It shall include the following:


·        Details of car parking allocation and distribution,

·        Details of the car club regarding the operation, management, and implementation scheme,

·        Methods to minimise on-street car parking,

·        A scheme for the provision and parking of cycles, and,

·        Monitoring required of the Car Parking Management Plan to be submitted to and approved in writing in accordance with a timeframe to be agreed by the LPA.


            The Car Parking Management Plan shall be fully implemented before the development is first occupied or brought into use, in accordance with a timeframe agreed by the LPA, and thereafter retained for this purpose. 


32.       The Servicing and Delivery Plan shall contain the delivery and servicing requirements (including refuse collection) for the proposed uses, a scheme for coordinating deliveries and servicing for the proposed development, areas within the development site that would be used for loading and manoeuvring of delivery and servicing vehicles, and access to / from the site for delivery and servicing vehicles.




IN912 Hours of Construction

IN913 Community Infrastructure Levy Liability

IN914 Section 106 Agreement

IN909 Street Naming and Numbering

IN907 Considered in positive and proactive manner

IN915 Highway Works – HCC agreement required

Supporting documents:


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