Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
05/09/2024 - Parking suspension outside 1 to 7 Chalk Hill ref: 6951 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension 3 Vehicle lengths of the
Free Parking For A Limited period bay outside 1 to 7 Chalk Hill
will be suspended from 09.00 to 16.00 Thursday 19th September
To facilitate pedestrian walk way.
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
05/09/2024 - Parking suspension outside 53 and 55 Gladstone Road ref: 6950 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension 2 vehicle length of the
permit holders only bay outside 53 and 55 Gladstone Road will be
suspended from use from 08.00 to 16.00 Thursday 19th September 2024
To facilitate domestic removal
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
09/09/2024 - Parking suspension outside 204 and 206 Chester Road ref: 6949 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension 2 vehicle length of the
permit holders only bay outside 204 and 206 Chester Road will be
suspended from use from 08.00 to 18.00 Tuesday 24th September
To facilitate parking for scaffolding lorry
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 09/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
02/09/2024 - Appointment of External Legal Advisors – Croxley Park ref: 6948 Recommendations Approved
To award the 4-year contract for Legal
Services at Croxley Park following a tender exercise.
Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The practice to be appointed scored the
highest in the evaluation process.
Wards affected: ;
Lead officer: Paul Brooks
02/09/2024 - Parking suspension outside 35 and 37 Market Street ref: 6947 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension 2 vehicle lengths of the
shared use bays outside 35 and 37 Market Street will be suspended
from 08.00 Friday 13th September to Saturday 14th September
To facilitate pedestrian walk way
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
02/09/2024 - Parking suspension outside 33 Market Street ref: 6946 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension 1 vehicle lengths of the
shared use bays outside 33 Market Street will be suspended from
08.00 Friday 14th September to 18.30 Saturday 14th September
To facilitate pedestrian walk way
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
02/09/2024 - Parking suspension opposite 13 Phillipers ref: 6945 Recommendations Approved
Parking suspension , 5 parking bay spaces
opposite 13 Phillipers will be suspended from 08.00 Thursday 12th
September to 18.00 Tuesday 17th September 2024
To facilitate excavation works
Decision Maker: Representations Officer
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Lead officer: Yvonne Murray
25/08/2024 - The Borough of Watford (Various Roads, Part A Watford) (Prohibition Of Waiting Restrictions) Order 2024 & The Borough Of Watford (Watford) (Controlled Parking Zones) (Consolidation) Order 2023 (Amendment) (No.6) Order 2024 Objection Report ref: 6943 Recommendations Approved
To inform the Parking Lead Officer of the need to implement the proposal, which forms the subject of the above-named Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs).
To seek authorisation to publish “Notice of Proposals” and:
a) …. where no objections are received or where objections are subsequently withdrawn “Make” the TROs and implement the proposal and:
b) ….where objections are received and not subsequently withdrawn, report the details of the objections together with Officer’s recommendations so that further instructions can be obtained.
To seek authorisation to consult residents in the properties within the immediate vicinity of the proposal by means of a letter and plan drawing their attention to the published “Notice of Proposals” and explaining how they can obtain more details of the proposals and make representations should they wish. In addition to consult with statutory consultees, erect on street notices and advertise a Notice of Proposal in the Watford Observer.
Decision Maker: Parking Lead
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 25/08/2024
Wards affected: ; Central; Holywell; Meriden; Oxhey; Tudor; Woodside;