Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

20/00164/VAR - Multi Storey Car Park Thomas Sawyer Way

06/08/2020 - 20/00164/VAR - Multi Storey Car Park Thomas Sawyer Way

The Vice Chair introduced the item to the committee and invited the Principal Planning Officer (AC) to present his report. 


The Vice Chair thanked the Principal Planning Officer (AC) and, noting there were no speakers, invited any comments from the committee.  There was a brief and general approval of the variations.  The Vice Chair then proposed a vote to approve the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.


In accordance with Standing Committee Procedure Rules, paragraph 4.2, Councillor Stephen Johnson requested that it be recorded in the minutes how members cast their votes.


Those members voting for the motion:

Councillors Bell, Collett, Johnson, Mills, Pattinson, Sharpe, Smith and Watkin.


Those members voting against the motion:



Those members absent when the vote was taken:

Councillor Jeffree.


The motion was declared to be CARRIED by eight to none with no abstentions.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions below.


1.         The development to which this permission relates shall be begun before 29th March 2022.


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:


-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-90004 P5 Location Plan @ 1:1250

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-90003 P4 Proposed Site Plan @ 1:500

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30001 P10 Proposed MSCP Ground Level

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30002 P9 Proposed MSCP Level 01

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30003 P10 Proposed MSCP Level 02

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30004 P10 Proposed MSCP Level 03

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30005 P10 Proposed MSCP Level 04

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30006 P10 Proposed MSCP Level 05

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30007 P10 Proposed MSCP Level 06

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30009 P5 Proposed MSCP Parapet Level

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30541 P3 Proposed MSCP North Elevation

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30542 P3 Proposed MSCP East Elevation

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30543 P3 Proposed MSCP South Elevation

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30544 P3 Proposed MSCP West Elevation

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30601 P4 Proposed MSCP Section A

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30602 P4 Proposed MSCP Section B

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30603 P4 Proposed MSCP Section C

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30604 P4 Proposed MSCP Section D

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30605 P5 Proposed MSCP Section E

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-AX-30801 P2 North Elevation Headlight Protection

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92140 P01 Section 38 Works Drainage Layout

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92141 P01 Section 38 Works Drainage Layout Sheet 1

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92142 P01 Section 38 Works Drainage Layout Sheet 2

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92110 P01 Drainage Details Sheet 1

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92111 P01 Drainage Details Sheet 2

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-92112 P01 Drainage Details Sheet 3

-        11284-WAT-NR-XX-DR-C-04016 P01 Proposed Drainage Layout

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-PX-52701 Rev B Revised proposed drainage sections

-        6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-PX-52801 Rev E Revised proposed drainage plan


3.         The development of the site shall be carried out in accordance with the details and recommendations contained within the following document, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Multi Storey Car Park Design Report, prepared by STRIPE, dated 03.02.2019

Planning Statement: Watford Riverwell Multi Storey Car Park October 2018 prepared by Savills

-        Transport Statement, Watford Riverwell, Northern Masterplan, MSCP October 2018, prepared by Mayer Brown. (Report ref KPWatford.1. FINAL)

-        Transport Technical Noe, prepared by Mayer Brown, dated 19.12.2019

-        Matchday Management Plan, prepared by Mayer Brown, dated May 2020

-        Arboricultural Survey and Impact Assessment October 2018 (Report ref RT-MME-128664)

-        Energy and Sustainability Report October 2018 Issue P1, prepared by elementa

-        Planning noise report, prepared by ion Acoustics. (Report ref Acoustic A1354 RO1)

-        Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary October 2018 prepared by Savills

-        Environmental Statement Addendum February 2020, prepared by Savills

-        Preliminary Environmental Risk Assessment (Report ref. WIE11284-102R.3.2.2.PERA);

-        Geo-Environmental Quantitative Risk Assessment (Report ref. WIE11284-102-R.7.3.2.GQRA);

-        Flooding and Drainage Strategy: Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Sept 2018 (Ref WIE11284-104-R-4-3-1-FRA) and Response to LLFA Queries (Ref 6570-STRIPE-XX-XX-XX-RP-ZX-52001 REV P1.)

-        Daylight and Sunlight Report, prepared by eb7, dated 18.12.19


Should the details contained within one of the aforementioned documents differ from the requirements of another condition on this planning permission, the details set out in the other condition shall take precedence.


4.         Construction of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations detailed in the management plan numbered: 3443, titled: Watford Heath Campus Enabling Works and dated: 18/11/2019.


5.         Remediation of contamination shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations detailed in the outline remediation strategy reference: WIE11284-102-R-6-4-2-RS_CW, dated: December 2019.


6.         Contamination Monitoring and Maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations detailed in the foundation works risk assessment reference: WIE11284-102-R-25-1-2-FWRA, dated: December 2019.


7.         No drainage systems for the infiltration of surface water to the ground are permitted other than with the written consent of the local planning authority. Any proposals for such systems must be supported by an assessment of the risks to controlled waters. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


8.         Piling shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations detailed in the foundation works risk assessment reference: WIE11284-102-R-25-1-2-FWRA, dated: December 2019.


9.         A scheme for managing any borehole installed for the investigation of soils, groundwater or geotechnical purposes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall provide details of how redundant boreholes are to be decommissioned and how any boreholes that need to be retained, post-development, for monitoring purposes will be secured, protected and inspected. The scheme as approved shall be implemented prior to the occupation of any part of the permitted development.


10.      Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme and within three months of first use of the development, a verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced together with any necessary monitoring and maintenance programme and copies of any waste transfer notes relating to exported and imported soils shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The approved monitoring and maintenance programme shall be implemented. The above must be undertaken in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency’s ‘Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination, CLR 11’.


11.      Reporting of Unexpected Contamination: In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


12.      Prior to the commencement of the use of any part of the development, a scheme detailing the electric vehicle parking provision shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include active and passive EV provision to be installed in the car park. The provision as approved by this condition shall be installed and made available for use prior to the use of the development.


13.      Should the masterplan development adjacent to the development not be commenced within 5 years from the commencement of the use of the car park, all gaps in the car park façade shall be infilled with cladding and external facing material to match the building, as detailed in the Multi Storey Car Park Design Report, prepared by STRIPE, dated 03.02.2019, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


14.      The development permitted by this planning permission shall be carried out in accordance with the approved surface water drainage assessment, as shown on the Proposed MSCP Ground Level Surface Water Drainage drawing, drawing number 6570-STRIPE-WP-XX-DR-CD-52802, revision P2, dated 3rd June 2020 and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA:

            1. Limiting the surface water run-off generated by the critical storm events so that it will not exceed the surface water run-off rate of 5 l/s during the 1 in 100 year event plus 40% of climate change event.

            2. Providing storage to ensure no increase in surface water run-off volumes for all rainfall events up to and including the 1 in 100 year + climate change event providing a total storage volume in permeable paving with sub-base and underground tank.

            3. Discharge of surface water from the private drainage into the wider strategic surface water sewer.

            The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and subsequently in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.


15.      Upon completion of the development works an updated management and maintenance plan for all the SuDS features and structures included within the drainage strategy must be submitted and shall include arrangements for adoption and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime. This should include as-built drawings of all SuDS features and the final drainage layout.




1.    Positive and proactive statement

2.    Building Regulations

3.    Party Wall Act

4.    Hours of Construction

5.    Highway Works – HCC agreement required



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