Agenda item

Agenda item

Draft Corporate Plan 2015-19

A report of the Managing Director


A report was received from the Managing Director presenting the draft Corporate Plan 2015-19.  A significant review of priorities was undertaken in 2013 and although the plan was reviewed annually it would maintain a four-year perspective.   This medium term approach allowed for effective planning and allocation of resources and provided continuity and resilience to the delivery of the corporate work programme.


The Managing Director outlined the Corporate Plan for 2015 to 2019 and advised that it would continue the steady progress and delivery of the existing plan.


He noted:

·       The good progress in the Health Campus plans

·       Good internal progress: excellent staff management with low sickness statistics and achievement of the IIP award.

·       Sustainability: financial accountability was good with strong reserves

·       The four core priorities were being achieved through detailed service plans and indications of how ‘pressure points’ should be addressed


The Managing Director concluded by advising that the Corporate Plan was more advanced than it had ever been in the past and asked that the plan be presented to Full Council. 


The Chair noted that the Auditor had commended the strong financial reserve held by the Council  She said that it was important that residents were aware that the Council had achieved the goals they had set themselves; progress had been steady and the results were reassuring. 


Councillor Sharpe drew attention to Core Priority 2 and advised that all aspects of the

Plan were important and that the Council was working with other partners both private and public.  There had been considerable focus on regeneration with a twin need to improve both job opportunities and the environment. 


Councillor Sharpe added that it was also important to develop cultural and social occasions.  He said that it was imperative that the Parade and ‘top end’ of the Town was not perceived as solely for retail use: it was intended that this area be used for social cohesion and to attract visitors for enjoyable events.  He drew attention to the current work on the area abutting the Parade towards the ring road. 


The Chair commended the considerable work achieved by all members of staff and the Council.  She advised that the Council had many areas in which to play a part and that it was not possible to be involved in all of them: some were addressed and facilitated by Council staff, some areas were outsourced and in some the Council worked in co-operation with outside partners.  


The Chair concluded by stating that it was important for staff to understand how they fitted into the Corporate Plan and asked the Managing Director to pass information on to all Council employees. 




That Cabinet:

  • Notes the current draft of the Corporate Plan 2015-19, propose any amendments and recommends it to Council (Appendix 1)
  • Notes the key performance indicators identified to support the monitoring of the Corporate Plan and ensure it contributes to the council’s aim of continuous development and improvement
  • Notes the current progress update for the work identified in the Corporate Plan 2014-18.  This would be finalised at the end of the financial year (Appendix II)

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