Agenda item

Agenda item

19/01411/VAR - 8 Oxhey Road


The Development Management Team Leader introduced the report to the meeting.

The Chair very briefly summed up the application and stated that this was a very simple and minor variation for technical reasons.


There were no comments or questions and the Chair invited the Head of Development Management to deliver his decision. 




Grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:


PL_001_190913A; PL_002 Rev 01; PL_010; PL_011; PL_012; PL_020; PL_021; PL_022; PL_023; PL_024; PL_025; PL_026; PL_027; PL_050_180611; PL_051_180611; PL_100_190913; PL_101_190913; PL_102_190913; PL_103_190913; PL_201_190913 ; PL_202_190913; PL_203_190913 ; PL_204_190913 ; PL_205_190913 ; PL_301_191122A ; PL_302_190913 ; PL_401_180611; PL_402_180611; PL_403_180611; PL_410_190913 ; PL_420_190913 ; PL_430_190913 ; PL_440_190913 and PL_501_180611;

SL_01_001 ; SL_01_002; 


2.         The development shall be constructed in accordance with the proposed land levels as shown on drawing P_001A, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON.


3.         The proposed development and arboricultural works shall be carried out in accordance with the Arboricultural Method Statement (ref. AD/OXHY-1/WBC/738, received 25/2/2019) and Tree Protection Plan (drawing no. 738/1/01 Rev A) by Draffin Associates, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON.


4.         The development shall be carried out in accordance with the external materials detailed in the document ‘Proposed External Finishes Revision 02, January 2019’ by Luminar Developments Limited, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON  and the following window and door details:


            Sapa STII Commercial (Entrance) Door - Details;

Sapa Crown Sliding Patio Door details;

Sapa Crown Sliding Patio to fixed Window Coupling Details


5.         The surface water drainage scheme for the site shall be implemented in accordance with the Technical Note by Elliotwood (Ref. EWR001 dated 28.01.2019), as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON, prior to occupation of the development.


6.         The development shall be carried out in accordance with the Energy & Sustainability Statement by eb7 Limited dated 25 January 2019, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON. 


7.         The electric charging infrastructure and charging points shall be installed in accordance with the following approved scheme prior to the first occupation of the development:


            Rolec EV Active Charging Point - Data Sheet

            Drawing no. PL_001_190913A 


8.         No part of the development shall be occupied until the hard landscaping scheme detailed on drawing no. 738/2/01 B by Draffin Associates, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON, has been constructed. The soft landscaping scheme detailed drawing no. 738/2/01 B and in the Summary Tree and Landscape Statement by Draffin Associates, as approved under ref. 19/00149/DISCON, shall be carried out not later than the first available planting and seeding season after completion of the development. Any trees or plants whether new or existing which within a period of five years die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, or in accordance with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


9.         No part of the development shall be occupied until the approved refuse and recycling storage facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved details. The storage facilities shall be retained at all times thereafter. 


10.       No part of the development shall be occupied until the new vehicular accesses onto Oxhey Road and Hollybush Close and on-site parking spaces have been laid out in accordance with the approved plans (or any subsequent plans submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority). 


11.       No part of the development shall be occupied until the existing vehicular access from Oxhey Road has been stopped up by raising the existing dropped kerb and re-instating the footway and highway boundary to the same line, level and detail as the adjoining footway, verge and highway boundary as shown on the approved plans.


12.       The ‘non-vision vent panels’ in the north-western facing wide wall shall be installed and operated in accordance with the following approved details and shall be retained at all times thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


            Drawing no. PL_440_190913


13.       No part of the flat roof outside the front roof terrace shown on drawing No. PL_102_180611 shall be used as a terrace, balcony or outdoor amenity area.



IN907 – Positive and proactive statement

IN909 – Street naming and numbering

IN910 – Building Regulations

IN911 – Party Wall Act

IN912 – Hours of Construction

IN913 – Community Infrastructure Levy Liability

IN915 – Highway Works – HCC agreement required


Supporting documents:


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