Agenda item

Agenda item

19/00709/FULM Centre Point Community Centre, Raphael Drive

Proposal is for a multi functional community space, retail unit and 17 high quality residential units to be built on the site with associated amenity space, parking, refuse and cycle storage.


The committee received the report of the Interim Head of Development Management, including the relevant planning history of the site.


The Principal Planning Officer (AC) explained that the proposal was for a multi-functional community space, retail unit and 17 high quality residential units to be built on the site with associated amenity space, parking, refuse and cycle storage.


The Chair invited Nick Wright, Head of Delivery at Watford Community Housing, to speak to the committee.  Mr Wright explained that the proposed scheme was part of a larger programme between Watford Community Housing and Watford Borough Council to deliver 55 new homes for social rent across the borough.  The current application would provide accommodation to meet the needs of local families and included plans for a community hub building and small shop.


Mr Wright advised that further consultation was being undertaken with residents to agree the internal configuration of the new hub building in order to optimise its usefulness to the local community.  It was not anticipated that any changes would require additional consideration by the Development Management Committee.


Members of the committee welcomed the application, particularly its 100% social rented units including two suitable for wheelchair use.  The development would provide a much needed resource for households on the council’s housing register and firmly met one of the council’s key priorities.


Although some committee members expressed concerns about reduced community space in the hub building and limited play areas for children, it was acknowledged that the proposed layout of the replacement community centre would be a more efficient use of space.


The Chair moved the officer’s recommendation.




Section 106 Heads of Terms


i)          To secure all 17 residential units as Affordable Social Rented accommodation.


ii)         To secure the provision of fire hydrants as required by the County Council to serve the development.




1.         The development to which this permission relates shall be begun within a period of three years commencing on the date of this permission.


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved drawings:




PL 010

PL 020

PL 050

PL 100

PL 101

PL 102

PL 103

PL 104

PL 200

PL 201

PL 700

PL 701

Transport Statement Report No. 133336-R01(0)

Private Car Tracking Layout Plan No. 133336 02 01 01 Rev: P03

Refuse Vehicle Tracking Plan No. 133336 02 01 02 Rev: P01

Dimensions and Visibility Plan No. 133336 02 01 04 Rev: P01

Surface Water Drainage and SuDS Strategy Ref: 219058 – August 2019

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Ref: 4004AO/18


3.         No dwelling shall be occupied until such time as the applicant has secured the written authorisation for the stopping up order of the public highway under section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the car parking is provided in accordance with the plans.


4.         No construction works above damp proof course level shall commence until details of the materials to be used for all the external finishes of the buildings, including walls, roofs, doors, windows, balconies and balustrades, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved materials.


5.         No dwelling shall be occupied until a detailed soft landscaping scheme for all the land within the site, based upon the details given in the Landscape Plans (drawing numbers 490.01 and 490.02) by Philip Cave Associates, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include details of the new trees, shrub and hedge planting. The approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out not later than the first available planting and seeding season after completion of development. Any trees or plants whether new or existing which within a period of five years die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, or in accordance with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


6.         No dwelling shall be occupied until a detailed hard landscaping scheme for all the land within the site, based upon the details given in the Landscape Plans (drawing numbers 490.01 and 490.02) by Philip Cave Associates, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the works have been carried out in accordance with details approved by the Local Planning Authority.


7.         No dwelling shall be occupied until the bin and cycle stores to serve the dwellings, as shown on the approved drawings, have been constructed and made available for use. These facilities shall be retained as approved at all times and shall be used for no other purpose.


8.         No dwelling shall be occupied until a detailed external lighting scheme for the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the lighting scheme has been installed in accordance with the approved details.


9.         The area shaded pink on plan number PL 100 shall be used as a Community Centre and for no other purpose (including any other D1 purpose). The area shaded purple on plan number PL 100 shall be used only for A1 Retail Purposes. Any alternative uses within these areas would require written consent from the local planning authority.




1.         IN907 – Positive and proactive statement

2.         IN909 – Street naming and numbering

3.         IN910 – Building Regulations

4.         IN911 – Party Wall Act

5.         IN912 – Hours of Construction

6.         IN913 – Community Infrastructure Levy Liability

7.         IN914 – Section 106 Agreement/Undertaking

8.         IN915 – Highway Works – HCC agreement required



Councillor Johnson rejoined the meeting at this point.

Supporting documents:


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