Agenda and minutes
Venue: West Herts Golf Club
Contact: Ishbel Morren Email:
No. | Item |
Election of a Chair Minutes: David Rogers was elected Chair for the meeting; proposed by David Shelley and seconded by Councillor Walford.
In addition, it was agreed that Eric Woodward should be elected Chair for the Joint Consultative Committee for the coming year. This was proposed by David Shelley and seconded by Councillor Walford.
Apologies for Absence / Committee Membership Minutes: Apologies had been received from Eric Woodward and from Councillor Scudder. No apologies had been received from Councillor Taylor.
The minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2014 to be submitted and signed.
Copies of the minutes of this meeting are usually available seven working days following the meeting.
(All minutes are available on the Council’s website.)
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2014 were agreed and signed, subject to a correction to the green fees for 2015. This was £26, rather than £23 as previously recorded.
Minutes: Steve Barrett reported that there had been a significant increase in course usage as a result of changes proposed at the last Joint Consultative Committee. Varied access times and more flexible membership had led to a marked growth in the number of Watford residents accessing the Club.
Figures were available only to August, however these reflected a discernable upward trend and the Club was confident that this would continue.
Councillor Walford commented that the changes appeared to have arrested a gradual decline in usage, and that the improved figures for Watford residents were encouraging.
Commenting on the introduction of the flexible ‘Lifestyle’ membership (aimed at players seeking more accessible and affordable club arrangements), David Shelley observed that its successful launch had benefited hugely from a joint West Herts Golf Club and Watford Borough Council marketing initiative. This had run for a period of five months earlier in the year.
Course Closures 2016 PDF 94 KB Minutes: The course closure dates, advising when special events would take place during 2016, had been circulated with the agenda.
It was noted that there were fewer dates than in previous years in the absence of any national competitions.
Green Fee Rate 2016 Minutes: No changes in fees were proposed for 2016.
David Shelley advised that the Club was seeking to continue to offer differentiated green fees for other categories. Currently these were so-called twilight golf (a round after 3 pm), and express golf (playing 13 holes rather than 18). This discussion was taken up under agenda item 7.
Booking Schedule Minutes: The Committee revisited discussion of the new booking schedule, which had been introduced at the start of the year.
There was general agreement that the new arrangements had led to a large increase in participation over the year. Players had been attracted by improved access, differentiated green fees and more flexible membership arrangements.
Figures for the number of Watford residents benefiting from the new arrangements were promising and the Joint Consultative Committee agreed to recommend to the Club and the Council that changes to the Joint User Agreement should be continued for a further year.
The General Manager should send the necessary documentation to the Legal and Democratic Services Section Head in order to extend for a further year changes to fee bookings and to the Joint User Agreement.
Any Other Business Minutes: Disciplinary Matters David Shelley sought clarification on the role of the Joint Consultative Committee in regard to internal disciplinary matters concerning Club members. Whilst this was a rare occurrence, it was important that overall authority in decision-making was established.
The Joint Consultative Committee agreed that clarification should be sought from the Legal and Democratic Services Section Head and that the General Manager should write in this respect.
Councillor Hastrick suggested that this issue and that raised in item 7 above should be the subject of separate letters.
The General Manager should write to the Legal and Democratic Services Section Head to seek clarification on the role of the Joint User Agreement in regard to internal disciplinary matters concerning Club members.
West Herts Golf Club, General Manager The Chair reported that Steve Barrett would be retiring from the Club and this would be his last meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee. The Committee recorded its thanks to Steve for his work at the Club, and with the Joint Consultative Committee.