Issue - meetings
Watford Borough Council Air Quality Action Plan 2024-2029.
Meeting: 08/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 17)
17 Watford Borough Council Air Quality Action Plan 2024-2029. PDF 674 KB
Report of Environmental Health Manager – Environment
Additional documents:
Resolved –
That the action plan attached as Appendix A top the report be approved.
Cabinet received a report of the Environmental Health Manager – Environment, which provided an Air Quality Action Plan.
The Mayor invited Councillor Stotesbury to introduce the report.
Councillor Stotesbury started by thanking the Environmental Health Manager, Associate Director for Housing and Wellbeing and other officers for their work contained in the detailed report. He informed members that there were two Local Air Quality Management Areas in Watford, both of which had not exceeded the maximum concentration levels. Monitoring would continue until 2026 to ensure the concentrates stayed below the maximum. Councillor Stotesbury highlighted the action plan and some of the measures that had been put in place that helped towards reducing the concentrates.
Councillor Dychton added that the high focus on the green agenda ensured there was good air quality for residents.
Councillor Bell welcomed that the figures were down in the two areas. He asked for clarification on the actions taken to keep the levels down. He also asked whether there were any issues in other locations, for example St Albans Road.
The Environmental Health Manager explained that the council monitored 32 locations across the borough. Traffic counts were carried out and queuing times in the worst locations.
Councillor Stotesbury added that the council had a statutory duty but it went beyond that requirement. The council worked with other groups across the community to ensure improvement in air quality.
The Mayor asked for clarification on how members would be kept updated on the action plan.
The Environmental Health Manager responded that officers had to produce an annual report for Defra, which could be made available to members. The Associate Director added that those actions contained in the Delivery Plan would be reported as part of the quarterly update to Cabinet.
In response to a question from Councillor Bell, the Environmental Health Manager explained that if other areas were identified as exceeding the levels it would be necessary to declare Air Quality Management Areas and an action plan drawn up.
The Mayor asked Cabinet to vote on the recommendation in the report.
Resolved –
That the action plan attached as Appendix A top the report be approved.