Issue - meetings
Approval of s.106 Expenditure to Deliver Social Rented Housing .106
Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Council (Item 31)
31 Proposed use of commuted sums to deliver social rented homes - Sydney Road PDF 598 KB
Report of Cabinet held on 8 July 2024
Additional documents:
Council received a report of the Housing Enabling and Development Manager including the minutes from Cabinet.
Resolved –
that Council, as part of the Capital Programme, approves a contribution of £375,000 of the commuted sums to secure the delivery of five Social Rented homes on the site known as ‘Land to rear of 1-43 Sydney Road and 7-9 Sydney Road (Humphreys)’.
Meeting: 08/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 19)
19 Approval of s.106 Expenditure to Deliver Social Rented Housing .106 PDF 598 KB
Report of the Housing Supply Manager
Resolved –
That Cabinet recommends that Council, as part of the Capital Programme, approves a contribution of £375,000 of the commuted sums to secure the delivery of five Social Rented homes on the site known as ‘Land to rear of 1-43 Sydney Road and 7-9 Sydney Road (Humphreys)’.
Please note this recommendation from Cabinet is not eligible for call-in as the report is referred to Council on 16 July 2024 for a decision.
Cabinet received a report of the Housing Enabling and Development Manager which was proposing a recommendation to Council for approval of a contribution of the commuted sums to secure the delivery of five social rented homes.
The Mayor invited Councillor Rodrigues to introduce the report.
Councillor Rodrigues stated that the increase in the number of affordable homes was important for the council. He advised that it was recommended that commuted sums were used to support the proposal to secure the delivery of social rented units at the private development in Sydney Road. The sum of £375,000 would support the conversion of five units. He explained that the Mayor had delegated authority to approve the use of commuted sums and had agreed to this proposal. However, it required Council approval to make the capital grant to Watford Community Housing. He praised the work the Housing Team was doing to improve the housing situation in Watford.
Councillor Bell commented that he supported the proposal.
The Mayor invited Cabinet to vote on the recommendation to Council.
Resolved –
That Cabinet recommends that Council, as part of the Capital Programme, approves a contribution of £375,000 of the commuted sums to secure the delivery of five Social Rented homes on the site known as ‘Land to rear of 1-43 Sydney Road and 7-9 Sydney Road (Humphreys)’.
Please note this recommendation from Cabinet is not eligible for call-in as the report is referred to Council on 16 July 2024 for a decision.