Decision details

Finance Monitoring Report 2023/24 - Year End

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Council received a report of the Chief Finance Officer, including the minutes from Finance Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.


Resolved –


1.      To approve the revised capital investment programme of £42.451m for 2024/25, £10.510m for 2025/26 and £4.528m for 2026/27, including rephasing of £6.760m capital budgets from 2023/24 into 2024/25 onwards as set out in Appendix 4.


2.      To approve the Revenue Virements for 2024/25 as set out in Appendix

Publication date: 29/07/2024

Date of decision: 16/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 16/07/2024 - Council

Accompanying Documents: