Agenda item

Official Announcements


Past Mayor Sybil Tuckwood


The Chairman stated that the council was saddened to hear that Sybil Tuckwood had passed away.  She had been Civic Mayor in 2001/02 and Mayoress for Sheila Rosser in 1997/98 during the Borough’s 75th Charter Anniversary year.


The Chairman invited Councillors Bell and Williams to speak.


Councillor Bell said that Sybil Tuckwood had been a councillor for Woodside and then Meriden.  He was sure many would remember her.  When she was Mayor homelessness had been her theme for the year and she had chosen New Hope Trust and the GROW as her charities.  She was a distinctive figure with an unmistakeable voice, a well-liked person who was always smiling.  He wished to pay tribute to a great character.


Councillor Williams commented that he endorsed everything Councillor Bell had said.  Sybil was a much respected councillor, Mayoress and Mayor.  He had first become aware of Sybil when she was Mayoress to Sheila Rosser as Mayor.  They had both brought great fun to the roles with beaming smiles.  They had deserved an encore which happened a few years later when Sybil became Mayor and Sheila was her Mayoress.  He quoted her comments about the Sanctuary, part of New Hope Trust, when she had become Mayor.  Words that were still relevant today.  She would be greatly missed.  He asked Councillor Bell to pass on his group’s condolences to Sybil’s family.  Her passing was a tremendous loss for Watford.


The Chairman added that he wished to express his and the council’s condolences to Councillor Crout on the loss of his partner Jerry.  The thoughts of everyone were with him at this time.


The Chairman asked everyone present to stand and join him in a minute’s silence of remembrance.


Councillors standing down


The Chairman invited Councillor Collett to speak.


Councillor Collett said that firstly she wished to acknowledge the Chairman and the way he had conducted himself with respect and dignity throughout his year.


Councillor Collett stated that she wanted to say goodbye to fellow councillors who were standing down at the end of this municipal year.  They had been a wonderful group of councillors.  There were two people she wished to single out.  Councillor Jackie Connal was elected to the council on the same day as her and Jackie had become a dear friend, not just a colleague.  Jackie had been a great supporter of Fairtrade, Watford Museum and her constituents.  She was a kind and loving woman.  She said to Jackie that she would be missed.  She had been a marvellous councillor.


The next person Councillor Collett wanted to speak about was Councillor Stephen Cavinder, her fellow ward councillor who she would miss.  He had been like a rock for her.  They were often seen together.  He was the type of councillor who loved his community.  As Portfolio Holder he had driven her to different events and meetings.  He loved meeting new people.  He had attended all the diversity events and was a great supporter.  Whenever she took him to an event he would join that group.  He was a great organiser who organised the Liberal Democrat group.  Everyone needed someone like Councillor Cavinder in their life.  Stephen was a great role model for all councillors.  He would be dearly missed.


Councillor Collett thanked all retiring councillors for their work.


Councillor Bell added that on behalf of the Labour Group he wished to pay tribute to Councillor Jackie Connal.  He still expected her to attend future events.  Everyone wished her well for the future.


Related Party Transactions


The Chairman reminded councillors that some of them had a related party transaction form that needed to be completed and returned to the Head of Democracy and Governance this evening.


Chairman’s Charity Fund Raising Quiz, Reception and Donations


The Chairman thanked everyone who attended his recent events or gave a donation.  Over £5,000 had been raised for his charities.