Agenda item

Review of Community Safety Partnership's Communications Plan

Report of the Senior Communications and Engagement Officer


The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer introduced a presentation on  the community safety partnership’s communications plan.  The presentation outlined:


  • The Safer Watford Communications Strategy 2015-16
  • The communications objectives
  • Communication audiences
  • Key messages
  • Channels of communication
  • The launch campaign (including a video promulgated on various types of media)
  • Communications post launch
  • Complementary communications
  • Evaluation
  • Next steps


During the presentation Members asked a number of questions.


Councillor Mehta asked how many views there had been of the launch video.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer explained that this was measured in respect of ‘reach’ and not ‘views’.  Fifteen thousand had been reached through Facebook; although the You Tube channel had not been as strong.  Furthermore, the police Facebook site had twenty nine thousand followers.  She explained that the strategy would continue to be promoted through a range of mediums.  She outlined how the initial campaign was conducted using various advertising methodologies; resulting in a wider impact.  She thanked partners for their assistance.


In response to a question from Councillor Dhindsa, the Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator discussed an aggressive begging case that resulted in a 12 month custodial sentence.


The Chair commented that he had seen Woodside on the web and asked what preventative messages would go out in the media in relation to sexual assault and violence leading up to the festive season.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer explained that these would be a matter for the police but support would be given through magazine articles, tweets and other social media channels.


Councillor Dhindsa asked whether the Watford Town Magazine would be used to indicate that alcohol would be taken off those under age in the holiday season.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer explained that these messages would be best promoted on social media in order to reach a younger audience.


Councillor Mehta asked whether messages would go out in relation to annual events in the High Street and Kings Street and also whether Hertfordshire wide coverage was being pursued.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer outlined the range of methodologies being used; including articles in Time Out magazine and the Evening Standard newspaper promoting the town.  In response to a further question from Councillor Mehta, the Senior Communications and Engagement Officer agreed to look in to community safety partnership wide communications.


ACTION – Senior Communications and Engagement Officer


Councillor Mehta discussed the issue of publicity surrounding the promotion of Watford Football Club to the Premiership and asked how messages around such issues as the increased traffic were managed.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer outlined the ‘Big Sports’ scheme and how this had assisted with communications; such as the use of banners.  She explained that other mediums were also being examined.  Councillor Mehta outlined a number of communication methods that could be considered for big events.


Councillor Collett suggested that there should be signs at Watford Junction Station demonstrating how good Watford was as an experience (similar to those already at Charing Cross Station in London that promoted Watford).  She also suggested that safety and how to stay safe should be advertised.  The Senior Communications and Engagement Officer confirmed that outdoor advertising had a big impact provided it was pitched correctly.  She thanked Councillor Collett for her suggestions.



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