Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance Report - Quarter 3 2014/15

Report of the Partnerships and Performance Section Head


This report provides the Panel with the relevant performance indicators for Quarter 3 2014/15.


The Partnership and Performance Section Head introduced the Performance report to the Panel and invited questions.


The Chair asked whether there were any figures for January in relation to the Capita performance indicators at items IT1 to 5 in the report.  The ICT Client Section Head explained that these had not been provided by Capita yet. There had been issues with the performance management information in the past, but this was definitely an area that had improved in recent months.  With regard to the problems with Thin Client; she explained that Capita had inherited these issues from the internal ICT service.  This was an aged operating system.  Capita had been working through the problems.


The Chair asked why item IT6 in the report was not measured.  The ICT Client Section Head explained this was due to issues with the staff survey from which data was obtained.  There was a need for a minimum 20 percent response rate to the survey but users were not completing the survey.  This was not something the ICT Client Section Head was going to push through with the current lack of confidence in the ICT systems and service.  Reminders had been sent out for people to complete the surveys but confidence was the key issue.


With reference to item ES2 in the report, Councillor Martins raised an issue about the contamination of bins taken back.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head explained that work was being undertaken in this regard and undertook to report back to the Panel.


ACTION – Partnership and Performance Section Head


Councillor Collett raised an issue about there being apparently no recycle bins at the Boundary Way Flats.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head undertook to have the matter investigated and to report back to the Panel.


ACTION – Partnership and Performance Section Head


Councillor Dhindsa asked who reported on the cleanliness of the work of the village teams.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head explained that Veolia conducted a survey to measure street cleanliness on litter, detritus (soil, mud, grit), graffiti and fly posting and that the Client Team also conducted surveys (sometimes with the Veolia team) to provide quality assurance  There would be further training in quarter four and the quality checks were ongoing.


With reference to item ES12 in the report, the Chair asked whether the suspect had been apprehended.  The Partnership and Performance Section Head explained that the individual was in the process of being identified.


Councillor Counter commented that data around SLM complaints was extremely useful.


The Chair said that he had spoken to an individual recently and it appeared that SLM did not carry out work experience for those young people of secondary school age.


ACTION – Partnership and Performance Section Head to investigate this and report back to the Panel.


With reference to item LC13 in the report, Councillor Dhindsa asked whether there was any data on how the community hires were advertised and whether ethnic minority groups were targeted.  He also asked whether he could meet an official to discuss wedding hires.


ACTION – Partnership and Performance Section Head to make inquiries and report back to the Panel.

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