Agenda item

Motion 3


At the meeting an amendment, proposed by Councillor Sharpe, to the original motion printed in the agenda was circulated.  Councillor Turmaine, the mover of the original printed motion accepted the amendment.


Councillor Turmaine moved the following revised substantive motion, which was seconded by Councillor S Williams –


“Council notes:


1.         The outcome of the Hertfordshire County Council Highways and Waste Panel on 4 November which proposed:


            - Withdrawing funding from subsidised bus services after 7.30pm Monday to Saturdays.


            - Withdrawing funding from subsidised services that operate on a Sunday.


            - Limiting the amount of subsidy per passenger journey across all subsidised services meaning that 39 routes could be cut totally.


            - A total cut of £1.5 million per annum in subsidised bus services.


2.         That these additional proposals are not actually required given that the county council now has “found” £753,000 of savings on the bus budget without reducing services and the original aim of the consultation published in June was to save “at least £700,000” and that this has been exceeded.


3.         That this was in defiance of the 12,000 residents who signed petitions opposing bus cuts and the official consultation with 4,548 replies showed only 30 in support of the reductions proposed.


4.         That Watford’s MP Richard Harrington failed to support local bus passengers by objecting to the proposals.


Council believes


1.         In line with its resolution passed at full council on 30 July that cuts to bus services will hit the most vulnerable in our community, have an unacceptable impact on bus passengers and undermine attempts to cut car use and reduce congestion.


2.         That the county has already made significant savings in its budget for bus routes to make cuts in services unnecessary.


Council resolves


1.         To write immediately to the county council requesting that its cabinet does not proceed with the proposals of the Highways and Waste panel.


2.         To respond to any formal consultation opposing the proposed cuts and to encourage a high response from Watford residents.”


On being put to Council the substantive motion was AGREED.




Council notes:


1.         The outcome of the Hertfordshire County Council Highways and Waste Panel on 4 November which proposed:


            - Withdrawing funding from subsidised bus services after 7.30pm Monday to Saturdays.


            - Withdrawing funding from subsidised services that operate on a Sunday.


            - Limiting the amount of subsidy per passenger journey across all subsidised services meaning that 39 routes could be cut totally.


            - A total cut of £1.5 million per annum in subsidised bus services.


2.         That these additional proposals are not actually required given that the county council now has “found” £753,000 of savings on the bus budget without reducing services and the original aim of the consultation published in June was to save “at least £700,000” and that this has been exceeded.


3.         That this was in defiance of the 12,000 residents who signed petitions opposing bus cuts and the official consultation with 4548 replies showed only 30 in support of the reductions proposed.


4.         That Watford’s MP Richard Harrington failed to support local bus passengers by objecting to the proposals.


Council believes


1.         In line with its resolution passed at full council on 30 July that cuts to bus services will hit the most vulnerable in our community, have an unacceptable impact on bus passengers and undermine attempts to cut car use and reduce congestion.


2.         That the county has already made significant savings in its budget for bus routes to make cuts in services unnecessary.


Council resolves


1.         To write immediately to the county council requesting that its cabinet does not proceed with the proposals of the Highways and Waste panel.


2.         To respond to any formal consultation opposing the proposed cuts and to encourage a high response from Watford residents.